Yes, the batteries are pricey, but we have bought a large quanitity to sell here on Source of Title for $6.99 per 5 Pack, with FREE shipping.
We would like to see them make the next model with a rechargeable battery; and we have suggested it to them. I don't know if that is difficult to fit into such a tiny device, or just too expensive.
I haven't had the opportunity to use the Capshare, and I've heard they are pretty tough to find now that HP has discontinued the device. I also can't imagine having to scan two passes, the DocuPen can get it all in one quick pass.
Thanks for the link to the review. It is very honest with both the pros and cons of the device. We have sold several now and we are anxious to hear what the purchasers think of the product. I hope they will submit a review for everyone here after they have had a chance to try it.
Robert A. Franco
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