But our industry did not ask us to take a 10% wage cut. It wasn't our industry but only one company and they didn't ask, they arrogantly dictated the fees of other businesses. "So let it be written, So let it be done". (grin)
I think it was this attitude that most upset the people here. I didn't see the letter, but from the way it was described here it seemed very arrogant. Can you imagine going into your local grocery store with a marker and slashing their prices because _you_ have determined they are charging too much?
Texas didn't even have home equity loans until 1998. Since that time abstracting fees have been reduced to probably half what they were in 1998. But the fees were reduced by the abstractors, not dictated by any client. With the increased volume we found ways to work more efficiently and competition induced us to share this new efficiency with our partners. We have all benefited.
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