Slade, I know you don't need the government to tell you when change is on the horizon or what to do when the going gets tough. When do we take responsibility for our own actions and our own lives? What happened to "Don't ask what your country can do for you, but what can you do for your country." JFK.(Some dems. do come up with a good line every 40 years or so) I agree with Jan that too many have abused the systems, put into place to help others, with attitudes of "I'm owed this, I deserve this, why work when I don't have to." Well guess what, no where does it say you are owed anything, there are jobs out there and there are the same people who whine "It doesn't pay enough, it's below me, it's too hard, it's this it's that." Well do what the rest of us do, work harder, work smarter, grow up, you are not a kid anymore. We have become a nation of whiners and babies. Yes there are people who really need the programs avaliable, but how long do we keep handling life for them, when do we get the "kids" out of the house and make them work for it? And yes we all pay for them with our taxes and the top 50% of wage earners pay 96% of the federal income tax, that means you and me Slade. The tax cuts have helped us all, as small business we were being taxed to death. All my employees now take home more pay. You mentioned about all the corporate scandels being uncovered on Bush's watch, those had been going on for years, not just when Bush was in office. Being former law enforcement, I know it takes time to put cases together and to know for sure that it will pass mustard with a judge and jury. On the Bush watch the first prescription drug benefit was passed, promised by many but never delivered, I'm not saying it is the greatest thing since sliced bread but it is at least a start. Hey Slade, are we having fun yet ;-) Did you open a can of worms or what!?!? (ha, ha) Your friend (to the Right of course) Jay
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