Thanks, Jay! We're both *RIGHT* ! I've lost several friends in the past year when I suggested that they actually look for work after being laid off rather than collect unemployment and complain about government in general and Bush specifically.
Just last week there was an article in the Charlotte Observer about how surprised the local Christian Ministry was that so few people had applied for assistance. They don't need to...they're all making within a few dollars of their regular paycheck by staying home.
One (former) friend has been on unemployment for nearly a year now thanks to renewals, has gained over 50 lbs - which prompted her to think of applying for disability since she now has 'bad knees' - and is currently getting her degree (something I am still trying to pay for) thanks to the US government. I have no respect for this mentality and grit my teeth at tax time.
Let's be honest, some people aren't working because they simply don't have to. There are still signs all over Charlotte asking for help and as a single mother for most of my son's life, I often held two or three of them at one time. (And still managed to produce a very fine young man *and* pay for his college education without any government assistance -- or child support.) What a nation of whiners/victims/blamers we've become.
Get-A-Job Jan
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