You all are making good points, especially when it comes to full (60 year) searches, you could miss something.
What if.....
The search is a simple mortgage retreival, and the database has the actual images?
the website is run from the county itself?
The information on the database is a data/Image download straight from the county ( no human interaction outside the county)?
What if the searcher uses online databases as a starting point for a search, tax info, ownership verification, deed and PMM book and page. AND then goes to the county and verifies info so as to not depend 100% on what is on the wesbite. So if the search is a current owner from 1989 and the website data stops at 2001, you would go to the courthouse and look up from 2001 to present?
Now about this person outside the country wanting to do searches 100% off of online databases. Yes , I too wonder why he isnt defending himself.....
come out come out wherever you are....
Just my 2Cents.
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