Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see how a thorough search can be done "on-line". Even the counties we cover that are available on-line, the on-line records don't go back far enough and they aren't as current as the actual records at the courthouse. Plus, we search other offices that aren't available on-line (ie. probate, clerk of courts...).
I assume that companies ordering these searches know that they aren't getting the same quality of work. You can't do a search to the standards of any of the major underwriters without actually being at the courthouse (at least in the counties we cover in Ohio).
Also, real estate laws very by state... I wouldn't try to do a title search in any other state - I don't have the necessary training and experience to do work in other states. That is what it comes down to, in my opinion. To get the necessary quality, you have to use an experienced abstractor local to the records. I just hope the people who order the title work realize this.
Just my $0.02!
Robert A. Franco
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