In Pennsylvania an abstractor does not need a license to do title searches. You have to have a Title Insurance License to issue title insurance, which requires you to pass a test and complete a certain number of continuing education credits per year.
I personally would not mind if you could get a license for abstracting. If you know what you are doing it shouldn't be a problem (if the fee is reasonable of course).
Most of the abstractors in the 5 counties I cover are employees of Attorneys or settlement companies. They get trained on the job. The community college near here has some title searching training in the paralegal program. When I worked for a law firm we had several interns who went through the abstracting program (which is all in a classroom) and they just had no clue as to how to REALLY search.
It would be great if there was some type of actual manual or something for each state that would be updated with guidelines. When I worked for a settlement company the title insurance company that covered us sent updates when laws changed that affected titles and it was very helpful. I have a copy of an Abstractor's Bible, but it is outdated.
I think some kind of Continuing Education Courses for abstractors, even if they were by mail, internet, etc. would be a good idea.
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