In NJ, you have to be a licensed title insurance producer in order to produce a Commitment.
We have county, local and superior court searches. Our vendors are all online and come from 3 different sources as well. I get a Superior back in about 5 minutes through our software system. Taxes in a couple of hours and county searches for a full 60 typically in 48 hrs.
Rarely are the searchers licensed title producers, therefore, all docs still need to be reviewed. and a file fully read out. No way would our underwriters here allow an unlicensed, third party to prepare title documents.
I don't know what the licensing requirements are in OH. I do know that a lot of underwriters in Ohio provide title commitments to their own agents vs the agents doing their own work.
Every state and even counties and towns are different. In CT, for example, you search the town clerk's office for everything.
As I said in my original statement, it's easy to determine the pricing of the copies. But don't add things like parking fees, E&O, etc into the copy charges (As the OP stated) - those costs should be included in the search fee (fee should be determined by time, costs to do business, etc), not the copy charges.
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