Hello Diane,
I'm the Operations Manager for the Southeast division of TitleWave Real Estate Solutions. One of our offices is located in Beaufort, SC and we have been providing title searches across the state of South Carolina since February of 2016. We utilize a combination of staff searchers in various counties as well as independent contractors to fulfill the searching needs of title agents for the Fidelity National Title Group.
You reached out to our operation on March 29th to be setup as a vendor and we had you placed on our list of abstractors in the upstate. I apologize if there has been some confusion. We can remove you from our list if you no longer wish to be a search provider.
We are always interested in expanding our vendor list as well as add to our title searching staff with experienced professionals.
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.
Devin Robbins
VP of Operations for TItleWave Southeast
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