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[-] Metric Title - Kurt deVries/FL (4 replies)
1/24/2019 1:51:00 PM (2332 views)
Re: Metric Title - Ron Beavers/FL
1/25/2019 11:41:41 AM (2139 views)
Re: Metric Title - Montoya Jeter/PA
3/8/2019 5:01:04 PM (1965 views)
Re: Metric Title - Susan Raynard/MA
3/11/2019 6:07:37 PM (1707 views)

Received a very friendly e mail Friday out of the blue from these folks requesting a full title in Boston. No turn time or fee requested. They asked for status this morning and I stated delivery would be tomorrow morning. Several hours later "Sam" canceled the order no explanation. My friend called me an hour later to ask if I'd heard of Metric Title and she got the same order! LOL, again with no fee quote or turn time. She called me and she decided to ask for $100 deposit. He QUICKLY cancelled the order! BOLO on Metric Title!!!!!!

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Re: Metric Title - Montoya Jeter/PA
3/11/2019 6:09:44 PM (1758 views)

[+] PUNCUTAL ABSTRACT - Larry Platt/PA (12 replies)
1/21/2019 11:13:28 AM (3305 views)

Non-Payor Advisory - Ted Williamson/TX
1/18/2019 1:53:39 PM (2089 views)

[+] Pine Data Services???? - Deb Dartois/NV (2 replies)
1/17/2019 9:48:03 AM (2202 views)

Field Services on Pre-Foreclosures/REO Properties - Ted Williamson/TX
1/16/2019 12:13:51 PM (1513 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Adding Counties To My Profile - James McDonald/WV (1 reply)
1/14/2019 9:56:25 AM (1901 views)

[+] I'm suing Global Data/Title Prep - Mark Hylind/MD (7 replies)
1/11/2019 6:37:58 PM (3016 views)

Boomerang Direct - Suzi Wallace/CA
1/8/2019 10:28:35 PM (1530 views)

[+] When is an Invoice Unreasonably Delinquent? - Carl Litchfield/SC (10 replies)
12/31/2018 10:53:42 AM (2253 views)

[+] STERLING TITLE non-payment - Aaron  Kosola/MN (2 replies)
12/28/2018 10:02:13 AM (3157 views)

[+] Who runs DX Title? Kevin WIlliams or Parthiban Paramasivam? - David Bloys/TX (10 replies)
12/21/2018 11:24:00 AM (3872 views)

[+] Please don't call me if you are from India - R Braun/VA (11 replies)
12/21/2018 8:48:24 AM (2748 views)

[+] Progressive Title or Pro Title in Ar. - Ricky Gill/MS (21 replies)
12/20/2018 9:20:05 AM (3011 views)

[+] Comment on "Realtors® Reassert Role as Leader in Blockchain Technology Education" - Source of Title/OH (9 replies)
12/17/2018 11:14:32 AM (2086 views)

[+] Title services Online & Offline Orders - $8 - Ravi Mangalagiri/VA (7 replies)
12/17/2018 9:26:40 AM (2693 views)

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