Yesterday our Registrar of Deeds showed a letter to me from First American requesting her office's files be scanned on disk. She said she thinks that this is the same company that keeps calling and asking for the same thing. She said I have tried to tell them that it is not available. The letter she showed me stated to her that they, First American, had contacted the SC archives department and that they would pull the microfilm from this county and put it on a disk for First American however the archives department had to have the Registrar's permission. Our registrar felt that that would be too much wear and tear on the microfilm. I agreed and told her that if I were Registrar I would not give Archives permission to copy the microfilm. We both said our county has just paid to put the records online.... let them get what they want online!!! So if the SC Archives Department is going to change the microfilm over to disk who will pay for it. Our Registrar was under the impression that First American would take the microfilm and reproduce it themselves which she said what if they damage it. That set of microfilm is for back up should anything happen to the records in the courthouse. Sounds like this company is not going to take no for an answer. But honestly, it is not available in the media that they are requesting or we all would want it. And if they get it that way then we all can too........ Thats the American way!
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