Not all of us have the time to go back and read an entire site history to get some grasp on who is starting this effort. I don't think it's such a bad thing to ask. Also, I don't think this is about boy v. girl. It seems to me that plenty of men have had ideas rejected out of hand as well. I think it's about a principle of equality of contribution, and only women seem to be sticking up for it right now. That's a shame really. For all I know, these may be wonderful people trying to represent us all, but then again how would I know? We can't get an answer. Also, don't you think all those folks with an interest might have something to contribute and that perhaps we all should be asked whether or not something is a good idea instead of being told? Perhaps, it's just a matter of apathy. Maybe it's just easier to let other people do the thinking for you instead of contributing yourself. But then, if you don't like how things turn out, you can't complain, because you didn't do anything on the front end to try and change things.
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