Hello Mark, I have also been following the development of Radian with obvious great interest. I think we have to acknowledge they have a great idea and will probably grow very fast in some areas. I believe our best hope is the state insurance agencies continue to support traditional title insurance until we all retire or die.
I don't know about your state, but we've had several nasty defalcations by independent agents in Ohio that have gotten the state very interested in problems with independent agents.
Went to the titleweb site and read the articles you mentioned, love the site, thanks for the tip.
I've posted before that our work is not a growth industry, hasn't been for a long time. I guess the only thing we can do is know more about title research than most and hold onto our niche as best as possible, and adapt to the changes.
We are getting close to encripted filing in Ohio, its just a matter of time.
Again, thanks for the reference to titleweb.
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