I would like to chime in here for a second. I have been a member of the Jaycees (junior chamber of commerce) for many years and have been on their exective board for 6 years of my membership. They are a not for profit orginazation and is basically a volunteer orginazation as well. But they do charge membership dues, $70 per year. But all the money collected from membership and fund raisers goes to pay for many things, such as newsletters, training classes, membership drives, or start up funds for the fundraisers and many other things that you wouldn't usually think about. There really isn't any money left over anywhere and the members sometimes have to put their own money into things to get it rolling. Setting bugets is a big deal.
I am looking forward to becoming a part of this orginazation where we can better ourselved and our businesses. And also to set industry standard, so those 'newbies' can be set apart until their skills improve. Certification is important. If underwriters have to be licensed, why don't we???
It is really all about the people who are the 'members' and volunteers putting their heart into something they believe in to make an improvement or contribution to something, or someone for the betterment of everyone involved.
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