Hey Hey Hey,
How did I get thrown into this Jery Springer Episode???!!! Just kidding. First of all we try to hire people that have some sort of abstracting experience. Train them in the area that they are to work in and have constant contact with them at all times. We all have company cell phones so any questions they have will go directly to managment. Sound good? I don't just "set them free" in the courthouse! I prefer to hire staff abstractors due to the fact that no professional courtesy is ever given in this industry. I just subbed out a current owner in NC and was charged $85. Bite me, no one is charging that much anywhere. Go ahead and bend me over once...........no more work for you. I am happy to help out anyone in Florida and NJ where we have offices. I expect the same when I sub out work. Everyone should make money. Lets face it.....we are in this business to make money. You talk of losing your houses due to errors........INCORPORATE!!!! Talk to you all soon I am sure of that. LOL
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