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A Poll! - Judy Nisonger/CA
6/23/2004 12:22:10 AM (1188 views)

Certification - Shannon Blatt/VA
6/22/2004 10:33:49 PM (1422 views)
Re: Certification - Shannon Blatt/VA
6/23/2004 5:09:05 PM (1975 views)
Re: Certification - Douglas Gallant/OH
6/23/2004 5:50:32 PM (1991 views)
Re: Certification - Robert Franco/OH
6/23/2004 5:24:22 PM (1983 views)
Question Re: Certification - kevin ahern/CT
6/24/2004 7:08:07 AM (1994 views)
Re: Certification - Jay Duncan/MO
6/23/2004 5:26:29 PM (1994 views)
Re: Certification - Shannon Blatt/VA
6/23/2004 8:06:31 PM (1965 views)
Re: Certification - Helene/GA
6/23/2004 10:49:43 PM (1971 views)
Re: Certification - Shannon Blatt/VA
6/23/2004 11:51:55 PM (1959 views)
Re: Certification - kevin ahern/CT
6/24/2004 10:18:53 AM (1939 views)
Re: Certification - Jay Duncan
6/24/2004 10:27:41 AM (1943 views)
Re: Certification - Lynn Hammett/SC
6/25/2004 10:20:16 AM (1962 views)
Re: Certification - Shannon Blatt/VA
6/25/2004 11:45:30 AM (1914 views)
Re: Certification - Ellen/MO
6/25/2004 1:51:16 PM (2017 views)
Re: Certification - Jay Duncan
6/25/2004 2:19:39 PM (1866 views)
Re: Certification - Jay Duncan
6/25/2004 2:20:44 PM (2187 views)
Re: Certification - Shannon Blatt/VA
6/26/2004 12:55:34 AM (1905 views)

Companies that offer E&O - James Guill/VA
6/22/2004 7:13:35 PM (1496 views)
Re: Companies that offer E&O - Helene/GA
6/22/2004 11:29:44 PM (1957 views)
Re: Companies that offer E&O - Robert Franco/OH
6/23/2004 3:31:51 PM (2927 views)
Re: Companies that offer E&O - Helene/GA
6/23/2004 10:56:12 PM (1982 views)
Re: Companies that offer E&O - Marc DuBois/NY
6/24/2004 10:26:40 AM (1939 views)
Re: Companies that offer E&O - Shannon Blatt/VA
6/26/2004 2:30:09 PM (1861 views)
Re: Companies that offer E&O - Robert Franco/OH
6/28/2004 9:58:38 AM (1943 views)

Flat fees... - Robert Franco/OH
6/22/2004 3:28:12 PM (1487 views)
Re: Flat fees... - Judy Nisonger/CA
6/23/2004 12:19:45 AM (1954 views)
Re: Flat fees... - Shannon Blatt/VA
6/23/2004 12:45:07 AM (1933 views)
Re: Flat fees... - kevin ahern/CT
6/24/2004 7:38:06 AM (1893 views)

okay...i'm frustrated - Loretta Reed/MD
6/22/2004 2:44:48 PM (1645 views)
Re: okay...i'm frustrated - Teresa Beeman/NC
6/24/2004 11:06:13 AM (1964 views)
Re: okay...i'm frustrated - Angelica DelliCarpini/IN
6/30/2004 5:16:57 PM (1867 views)
Re: okay...i'm frustrated - CLEOFI BLASS/NJ
6/29/2004 6:59:46 AM (1884 views)
Re: okay...i'm frustrated - Navy Federal Real Estate Services/VA
7/2/2004 1:32:39 PM (2873 views)

Real Title Services

Interesting!!! - Jay Duncan/MO
6/22/2004 8:31:08 AM (1492 views)
Re: Interesting!!! - Loretta Reed/MD
6/22/2004 2:34:24 PM (1856 views)
Re: Interesting!!! - Datalore/PA
6/22/2004 8:25:14 PM (1852 views)

PPA's disappearance - kathy clark/CA
6/19/2004 3:29:34 PM (1550 views)
Re: PPA's disappearance - Jay Duncan
6/19/2004 6:01:37 PM (1945 views)

I've sent several e-mails with read receipts and have left several messages on their voice mail without any response. According to what we could find they have not yet filled for bankruptcy. If someone down in Florida could check for sure that would be great. Their fax machine seems to be still working and accepting faxes, but we have yet to receive any response that way either. Jay

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Re: PPA's disappearance - Shannon Blatt/VA
6/20/2004 11:02:13 PM (1890 views)
Re: PPA's disappearance - Jay Duncan
6/21/2004 8:23:26 AM (1909 views)
Re: PPA's disappearance - Walter Hillman/LA
8/30/2004 4:21:52 PM (2782 views)

Links - Shannon Blatt/VA
6/19/2004 1:32:00 PM (1499 views)
Re: Links - Robert Franco/OH
6/19/2004 1:59:11 PM (1784 views)
Re: Links - Shannon Blatt/VA
6/20/2004 11:00:32 PM (1780 views)

Infinity Information Network - Michael Finley/FL
6/19/2004 8:06:34 AM (1694 views)
Re: Infinity Information Network - Shannon Blatt/VA
6/19/2004 1:20:03 PM (2146 views)
Re: Infinity Information Network - Ron Rooney/SC
6/22/2004 4:43:22 PM (2085 views)
Re: Infinity Information Network - Shannon Blatt/VA
6/22/2004 6:08:56 PM (2007 views)
Re: Infinity Information Network - Helga Hinck/NH
6/22/2004 8:23:06 PM (2048 views)
Beware of Infinity..... - Loretta Reed/MD
6/22/2004 9:25:46 PM (2057 views)
Re: Beware of Infinity..... - Shannon Blatt/VA
6/22/2004 10:31:00 PM (2033 views)
Shannon - Helga Hinck/NH
6/23/2004 11:22:50 PM (1971 views)
Re: Beware of Infinity..... - Helene/GA
6/22/2004 10:49:07 PM (2028 views)
Re: Beware of Infinity..... - Shannon Blatt/VA
6/23/2004 12:46:54 AM (2035 views)
Re: Beware of Infinity..... - Ron Rooney/SC
6/23/2004 8:53:30 AM (2080 views)

Soliciting new clients - Clifford Brand/WA
6/18/2004 4:56:02 PM (1518 views)
Re: Soliciting new clients - Patty Bolden/TX
6/18/2004 5:52:18 PM (1992 views)
Re: Soliciting new clients - Clifford Brand/WA
6/18/2004 7:49:57 PM (1941 views)
Re: Soliciting new clients - Loretta Reed/MD
6/18/2004 5:53:52 PM (1931 views)
Re: Soliciting new clients - Clifford Brand/WA
6/18/2004 7:55:38 PM (1951 views)
Re: Soliciting new clients - Bill Elliott/NC
6/18/2004 10:06:37 PM (1883 views)
Re: Soliciting new clients - Clifford Brand/WA
6/19/2004 2:16:13 PM (1883 views)

INFO PLEASE - Patty Bolden/TX
6/18/2004 9:52:32 AM (1483 views)
Re: INFO PLEASE - Jay Duncan
6/18/2004 10:18:10 AM (1873 views)
Re: INFO PLEASE - Jessica Marshall/NY
6/18/2004 11:24:23 PM (1858 views)

What do you think is fair? - Amanda Packey/FL
6/17/2004 2:30:18 PM (1537 views)
Re: What do you think is fair? - Robert Franco/OH
6/17/2004 4:23:18 PM (1952 views)
Re: What do you think is fair? - Judy Nisonger/CA
6/17/2004 6:33:24 PM (1903 views)
Re: What do you think is fair? - Wanda Steudel/OH
6/18/2004 11:59:01 AM (1954 views)
Re: What do you think is fair? - Smitty Strickland/SC
6/18/2004 6:33:06 PM (1900 views)
Re: What do you think is fair? - Angelica DelliCarpini/IN
6/19/2004 3:16:06 AM (1976 views)

Nationwide Appraisals and Title Management - Judy Nisonger/CA
6/17/2004 6:36:15 AM (1539 views)
Re: Nationwide Appraisals and Title Management - Wanda Steudel/OH
6/17/2004 10:10:30 AM (1951 views)
Re: Nationwide Appraisals and Title Management - Kurt deVries/FL
6/17/2004 12:59:50 PM (2065 views)
Re: Nationwide Appraisals and Title Management - Shannon Blatt/VA
6/18/2004 12:05:38 AM (2023 views)
Re: Nationwide Appraisals and Title Management - Angelica DelliCarpini/IN
6/19/2004 3:11:25 AM (1992 views)
Re: Nationwide Appraisals and Title Management - Danielle Nelson/WI
6/24/2004 4:34:16 PM (1998 views)
Re: Nationwide Appraisals and Title Management - Daphne Hunt/CA
6/25/2004 1:15:37 AM (1930 views)
Re: Nationwide Appraisals and Title Management - Michelle Scott/NY
7/1/2004 7:44:44 PM (1889 views)
Re: Nationwide Appraisals and Title Management - Michelle/NY
7/19/2004 8:56:03 PM (1914 views)

PPA, has anyone really gotten them on the phone? - Jay Duncan
6/16/2004 3:05:39 PM (1466 views)
Re: PPA, has anyone really gotten them on the phone? - Kathy Clark/CA
6/16/2004 4:08:17 PM (1927 views)
Re: PPA, has anyone really gotten them on the phone? - Michael Solt/PA
6/17/2004 8:21:39 AM (1890 views)
Re: PPA, has anyone really gotten them on the phone? - Mary Mitchel/NY
6/17/2004 12:03:16 PM (1914 views)
Re: PPA, has anyone really gotten them on the phone? - Jay Duncan/MO
6/17/2004 12:54:58 PM (1883 views)
Re: PPA, has anyone really gotten them on the phone? - kathy clark/CA
6/17/2004 12:56:07 PM (1947 views)
Re: PPA, has anyone really gotten them on the phone? - Amanda Packey/FL
6/17/2004 1:10:13 PM (1913 views)
Re: PPA, has anyone really gotten them on the phone? - George/VA
6/17/2004 2:51:14 PM (1927 views)
Re: PPA, has anyone really gotten them on the phone? - George/VA
6/17/2004 2:53:15 PM (1886 views)
Re: PPA, has anyone really gotten them on the phone? - Kathy Clark/CA
6/17/2004 4:22:16 PM (1807 views)

NALTEA and E&O insurance - Judy Nisonger/CA
6/16/2004 12:09:42 PM (1450 views)
Re: NALTEA and E&O insurance - NALTEA/OH
6/16/2004 1:09:35 PM (1862 views)
Re: NALTEA and E&O insurance - Judy Nisonger/CA
6/16/2004 1:24:42 PM (1853 views)
Re: NALTEA and E&O insurance - Robert Franco/OH
6/16/2004 1:29:21 PM (1813 views)
Re: NALTEA and E&O insurance - Judy Nisonger/CA
6/17/2004 6:21:30 AM (1776 views)

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