I think a lot of companies are starting to demand faster turn around times, but there is only so much we can do when he have to make a trip to the courthouse. It is getting to the point where the only way they are going to get that kind of rapid service is from those on-line "thin-title plants". I think that we, the local independent title abstractors, can offer a better quality product - probably cheaper - but too many clients only care about how long it takes to get it back. That is until there is a problem... they want it all rushed, but when there is a problem the abstractor will get the blame. They have to realize that a thorough title search takes time! That is why we don't do work for any companies that will not allow us the time to do the job right... the client isn't worth the potential liability for something that they want done that quickly (in my opinion).
I wish you luck, and if you find a way to do it, let me know how.
Robert A. Franco
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