Hey Jay... how ya doin'? When I first requested the list I was turned down because I was classified as a "newbie." You suggested to me that I wait and gain some expearience, learn more etc. I think that is probably why I had "issues" with you in the beginning. I was someone you did not really know and felt you were making a judgement that was not appropriate. In some ways I still think it wasn't right... but (there is always a but) after hanging out here I began to understand where you were coming from. You eventually did give me the list and I have used it to market. There are problems with the list but it was generously given to me, nothing was asked from me aside from asking me to share. I have not shared any because the few new companies I have come across have proven to be problems in one way or another. I have always thanked you and Loretta for the work you put in on this list and I have offered a few times to help Loretta.
I personally feel that yes as it stands the hot list is public domain but if NALTEA does take it over it probably will be improved and become a valuable tool. I just hope that NALTEA is as generous as the people of SOT have been and does not charge an additional fee.
The other association claims to have hundreds on their list... has anyone acutally seen this list? Just curious.
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