I had a couple more things to add after reading all the replies. It is so great everyone is giving their opinions. I think 3 years is pretty good to be established. I still learn new things all the time, but 3 years gives a good base. It would be great if we could use online courses or home study for continuing ed. Pennsylvania Land Title Association offered some of these. Usually the closest seminars are about 2 hours away at 9 or so and over around lunch. Doing most of my own searches it would be hard to take a whole day off to go, so the other options would help a lot.
I wonder if there could somehow be a state or regional person. I keep seeing so much difference in the states, it would be nice to have a local representative/maybe an attorney to review that states questions or submit a test. The home study courses I took for PA had tests attached.
I am just kind of thinking out loud, sorry it is so choppy. I'll try to think of some questions that may be universal. I tried to do some Maryland searching a few months ago and went to the courthouse (15 minutes away from me) and was totally lost in the terminology. So I decided to stay with PA.
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