Wow guys, I am impressed. Thanks. I will respond much more in the am, and probably directly to some of you instead of on here.
First, the education and training committee are one in the same and I am the chair of the committee with 5 other members. We are all NALTEA members.
Second, remember, you do not have to become certified. It isn't a requirement of NALTEA. If your clients are fine with how you are now, and you have pr oven your self in other ways, as Loretta explained, then you have nothing to worry about and you may chose not to become certified.
Third, it is going to be really hard, yes. I have been doing searches for 13 years and I can't answer a few of those questions that were listed in the 70 questions given. Thanks for all of that by the way.
I will respond more later on.
Thanks again.
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