I agree with you David. This is going to be tough. Is a national test necessary. I have to be a licensed title producer in Maryland just to be qualified to do settlements/closings/witness signings (see there are at least 3 different terms). I paid out over $800 to be certified through the State of Maryland as a licensed title producer. Most of those questions were title policy questions. Now, I am required to take 6 credit classes this year, costed me $350. With those classes and yearly fees that are around $1,100 plus my E&O and my bond I have to have, I am now wondering why on earth do I have to do next to prove that I am qualified. It's not like I have 4 employees, just me and my husband and a part time girl.
I am now at the point where I personally think, no one else here, that my opinion may not be worth 2 cents and everything I say make get me a few negative comments about this whole situation.
I want to join and be certified through NALTEA but every year it seems like one more thing on my plate.
I already know, it takes money to make money, I have heard it all and said it all, I have had my own LLC for several years now, but being in the business gets more expensive and my charge for a current owner search (Bring to Date, Update, 1 owner, Purchase money mortgage, at least 4 ways to say it as far as I know personally) is going down. Long gone are the $75 current owners, I only have 4 companies that still pay me that, the rest I am lucky to get $50/$55 including copy fees.
This is just my opinion.
Dazed, confused and frustrated. 
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