Hey David,
No one owns the list. Everyone that has a copy is a owner of their list they have in their hand, free to do with it what they will. Free to ignore it, throw it away, use it, hand it out and update it on their own.
Just because Loretta and I worked on the list ourselves, for no compensation and rarely a thank you. Each time we sent out the list, we chanced losing a client. We were under no obligation to give it to anyone. We felt it could help others gain clients, which it did.
You named improvements you would like to see on the list, i.e. verification of phone numbers and adding addresses. No one is stopping you from updating the list and handing it out to who you feel is qualified to have it.
But don't criticize someone else's hard work because you are not benefiting from their efforts.
Everyone is free to update the list and hand it out as they see fit.
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