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Don't see them either! - Judy Nisonger/CA
8/12/2004 9:45:11 PM (1081 views)

SLADE - Shannon Blatt/VA
8/12/2004 11:17:40 AM (1473 views)
Re: SLADE - Slade Smith/MD
8/12/2004 11:26:31 AM (1914 views)
Re: SLADE - Slade Smith/MD
8/12/2004 11:53:54 AM (1856 views)
Re: SLADE - Georgette Cope/MT
8/12/2004 1:02:45 PM (1848 views)
Re: SLADE - Slade Smith/MD
8/12/2004 1:54:25 PM (1875 views)

where are all the newer messages! - Mike/PA
8/12/2004 8:44:23 AM (1463 views)
Re: where are all the newer messages! - julie jasiunas
8/12/2004 9:36:30 AM (1839 views)
Re: where are all the newer messages! - Slade Smith/MD
8/12/2004 11:07:06 AM (1805 views)
"New" messages" - Slade Smith/MD
8/12/2004 11:13:24 AM (1777 views)
Re: where are all the newer messages! - kevin ahern/CT
8/13/2004 6:06:57 AM (1824 views)

Sorry about the downtime - Slade Smith/OH
8/11/2004 1:33:57 PM (1462 views)
Re: Sorry about the downtime - Judy Nisonger/CA
8/11/2004 7:10:20 PM (1831 views)

Title Search USA - Marilyn Parker/IL
8/10/2004 12:10:23 PM (1665 views)
Re: Title Search USA - Barbara Bennett/IN
8/10/2004 4:36:56 PM (2121 views)
Re: Title Search USA - Marilyn Parker/IL
8/11/2004 2:03:43 PM (2103 views)
Re: Title Search USA - Susan Raynard/MA
8/13/2004 8:30:55 AM (2073 views)
Re: Title Search USA - veronica owens/IN
8/16/2004 7:08:26 AM (2007 views)
Re: Title Search USA - Julie Jasiunas/WI
8/16/2004 11:26:32 PM (1994 views)
Re: Title Search USA - Julie Jasiunas/WI
8/23/2004 1:41:57 PM (1944 views)

Real Title Services

8/10/2004 12:37:27 AM (1429 views)
8/10/2004 8:34:29 AM (1880 views)
Re: NEW CHAIRPERSON - Shannon Blatt/VA
8/10/2004 5:04:25 PM (1889 views)
8/10/2004 5:55:57 PM (1878 views)
Re: NEW CHAIRPERSON - Annette Dorty/PA
8/11/2004 1:56:47 PM (1857 views)

Need advise please.... - Michelle Scott/NY
8/9/2004 8:37:37 PM (1478 views)
Re: Need advise please.... - Jay Duncan
8/9/2004 10:33:23 PM (2017 views)
Re: Need advise please.... - Ellen Malloy/MO
8/10/2004 1:37:59 PM (1939 views)

Calling all Abstractors - Angelica DelliCarpini/IN
8/9/2004 8:07:43 PM (1600 views)
Re: Calling all Abstractors - Will Boyles/WI
9/7/2004 8:57:23 PM (1847 views)

On-line documents - Marilyn Parker/IL
8/9/2004 1:55:55 PM (1494 views)
Re: On-line documents - Amanda Packey/FL
8/9/2004 2:51:15 PM (2884 views)
Re: On-line documents - Marilyn Parker/IL
8/9/2004 4:12:07 PM (2001 views)

New site layout - Slade Smith/OH
8/9/2004 2:37:08 AM (1375 views)
Re: New site layout - Loretta Reed/MD
8/9/2004 8:55:11 AM (1969 views)
Re: New site layout - Teresa Beeman/NC
8/9/2004 10:33:11 AM (1923 views)
Re: New site layout - Judy Nisonger/CA
8/9/2004 11:29:03 AM (1976 views)
Re: New site layout - Slade Smith/MD
8/9/2004 11:56:57 AM (2056 views)
Re: New site layout - Marilyn Parker/IL
8/9/2004 1:38:22 PM (1981 views)
Re: New site layout - Amanda Packey/FL
8/9/2004 2:48:52 PM (1972 views)
Re: New site layout - Tammy Elliott/WA
8/10/2004 2:02:12 AM (1972 views)
Re: New site layout - Teresa Beeman/NC
8/10/2004 10:07:35 AM (1967 views)
Slade question on New site layout - Shannon Blatt/VA
8/10/2004 5:02:26 PM (1996 views)
Re: Slade question on New site layout - Slade Smith/MD
8/11/2004 12:23:17 AM (1974 views)

What you need to do if Companies are not paying you> - Angelica DelliCarpini/IN
8/8/2004 5:36:14 PM (1522 views)
Re: What you need to do if Companies are not paying you> - Marilyn Parker/IL
8/9/2004 1:35:24 PM (1966 views)

Merging Companies - Teresa Beeman/NC
8/7/2004 10:28:11 PM (1180 views)

Why aren't we getting paid? - Barbara Bennett/IN
8/5/2004 7:49:35 PM (1583 views)
Re: Why aren't we getting paid? - Teresa Beeman/NC
8/7/2004 9:46:26 AM (2023 views)
Re: Why aren't we getting paid? - Angelica DelliCarpini/IN
8/7/2004 3:33:49 PM (1959 views)
Re: Why aren't we getting paid? - Loretta Reed/MD
8/7/2004 4:11:45 PM (1964 views)
Re: Why aren't we getting paid? - Angelica DelliCarpini/IN
8/8/2004 5:27:08 PM (1894 views)
Re: Why aren't we getting paid? - Loretta Reed/MD
8/8/2004 11:02:23 PM (1888 views)
Re: Why aren't we getting paid? - Angelica DelliCarpini/IN
8/9/2004 8:53:29 AM (1887 views)
Re: Why aren't we getting paid? - Shannon Blatt/VA
8/10/2004 12:30:50 AM (1896 views)

Lenders First Choice - Judy Nisonger/CA
8/5/2004 5:00:14 PM (1673 views)
Re: Lenders First Choice - Shannon Blatt/VA
8/5/2004 11:14:02 PM (2072 views)
Re: Lenders First Choice - Judy Nisonger/CA
8/6/2004 11:59:48 AM (1995 views)
Re: Lenders First Choice - Edward Mastrianni/CT
8/7/2004 7:41:34 PM (2012 views)
Re: Lenders First Choice - Teresa Beeman/NC
8/9/2004 10:31:27 AM (1973 views)
Re: Lenders First Choice - Shannon Blatt/VA
8/10/2004 12:32:25 AM (1905 views)
Re: Lenders First Choice - Teresa Beeman/NC
8/10/2004 10:06:05 AM (1947 views)
Re: Lenders First Choice - debra price/UT
8/12/2004 12:16:28 AM (1923 views)
Re: Lenders First Choice - Gary Hays/FL
2/9/2006 10:11:19 AM (1704 views)

Title Searches - Steve Levinson/FL
8/5/2004 2:20:21 PM (1524 views)
Re: Title Searches - Robert Franco/OH
8/5/2004 4:45:43 PM (1980 views)
Re: Title Searches - Steve/FL
8/5/2004 5:03:07 PM (1923 views)
Re: Title Searches - Robert Franco/OH
8/5/2004 5:32:39 PM (1923 views)
But, how do you REALLY feel, Robert? - Scott Perry/PA
8/5/2004 10:13:27 PM (1971 views)
Re: But, how do you REALLY feel, Robert? - Robert Franco/OH
8/6/2004 11:02:54 AM (1931 views)
Re: But, how do you REALLY feel, Robert? - Ellen Malloy/MO
8/6/2004 2:34:31 PM (1843 views)

I totally understand how you feel Robert....last year was my worst year ever.  My costs sky rocketed, and fees from customers plummeted.  After six months of that trend, I had no choice but to tell customers they either had to pay my charge...or find someone else.  It is now August, and we are still struggling to get out from under the debt that I accumulated trying to keep things going. But we are still here, and fortunately the girls that work for me - are good people and willing to do whatever it takes to keep going.  We pick up a customer here and there, and every bit helps but there are days when that accounts recievable sure could use a shot in the arm.  I know of two abstractors who are no longer around in the courthouse...and I would guess it was probably because of problems with their searches and/or the business slowing down. Meanwhile, for every two that are no longer in business - there are four new ones.  I know several people who mistakenly got the impression that this is an easy way to make a buck.  Wrong. wrong. wrong.   Two of my employees  have worked for me a little over 18 months...and the more they learn...the more they understand how little they DO know.  I have been abstracting and examining over 20 years..and I am STILL LEARNING.  Laws change. Interpretations change from customer to customer....
   My reputation...my company's reputation...is our biggest asset and our largest liability.   If I curtail quality in the name of turnaround time and expense, my risk of error increases.  When my risk increases....errors occur. Those errors damage credibility...which affects client confidence. Client confidence determines  where the orders go.  We are at the edge of this turning tide of growth.  And I do get angry when I hear or see some person who thinks that all that is involved is finding a warranty deed and the loan after it. It doesn't matter who executed the deed, who signed the loan papers, etc. etc. And it's not just abstractors that are doing this kind of stuff - the newer title companies have people working for them that just do not know what they are doing....they don't do updates, they don't check court (its on the credit report anyway, right???)...they don't run additional names on the title....geez..it's appalling what all is or isn't being done anymore. I am as guilty as the next person by thinking that well, they will go out of business sooner or later so it won't affect me.  WRONG.  By the time they go out of business, I may be out of business.  My vendor may be out of business from all the stupidity that they have been exposed to. I think that it is REALLY in all of our best interest to get this certification process in place - and to make sure that somehow, it becomes such a standard in this industry - that incompetency becomes a thing of the past. In the meantime, as long as my fax machines keep working, and I squeeze one more copy from each printer, all the cell phones recharge,  the copy bill stays within $100, the computers don't lock up, and the mailman brings a check now and again - just in time to make payroll ....

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Re: But, how do you REALLY feel, Robert? - Steve Levinson/FL
8/6/2004 4:14:10 PM (1840 views)
Re: But, how do you REALLY feel, Robert? - Slade Smith/OH
8/6/2004 5:24:21 PM (1851 views)
8/7/2004 12:04:42 AM (1843 views)

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