Well #1 this man happens to be a friend of mine - and it was a half joke and half truth and he knew it. But he also knew that I meant his price reductions will only hurt the industry as a whole. Anyway, don't you think that is what is happening right now - price reductions have been made by companies to weed out others - it is quite evident. Actually the only price reductions I have made (and legally can make - unless I do it across the board) is reduce prices for guaranteed volume and/or vendor stuatus in all of my counties.
I never mentioned this before - but this seems to have become a problem also - where a company will use someone who has undercut in main counties - maybe they stay there all day - and actually be the same companies that put you under pressure to open other counties because they had no one - that becomes more of a service for special companies other than any kind of profit - in fact - I have lost money before servicing those counties with little volume - only to be undercut in your major counties and then just sent orders in the counties where little or no profit is realized due to lack of volume and distance. I would really like a response to that. I have started the concept I will not perform searches for anyone (other than title) for the outer coutnies that do not utilize me in my inner counties. Anyone had that kind of problems?
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