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[-] Retainer? - Shannon Budziak/VT (7 replies)
4/29/2019 3:38:36 PM (2367 views)
Re: Retainer? - Smitty Strickland/SC
4/29/2019 6:20:39 PM (2592 views)
Re: Retainer? - george Hubka/MI
4/29/2019 9:35:35 PM (2495 views)
Re: Retainer? - Smitty Strickland/SC
4/30/2019 9:30:43 AM (2339 views)
Re: Retainer? - Thomas Conrad/PA
6/8/2019 10:47:52 AM (1654 views)
COO vs Retainer - Victoria Moate/NJ
11/18/2019 11:17:16 AM (1153 views)
Why bother with retainers?  Simply require to be paid when you receive the order. (Cash on Order)

Every online service does it  (Think Amazon).  Appraisers do it.  Home Inspectors do it  Surveyors do it.

I work nationally and internationally. - USA and Mexico.  I hear all the vendors in the USA cry about not getting paid, fall out files, slow pays, etc.  In Mexico, you pay up front for EVERYTHING.  If you hire a closing company, you pay them at the time of hire.  If you order a search, you pay for it at time of hire, etc etc

Too long in the title industry have we allowed our clients to misuse our services by not paying promptly or at all.

I recently had a NY client tell me how bad his fall out was in his office and they are operate in 3 states.  Like 1 in 3.  And that is after they have searched, done the title work, ordered the ancillary searches, etc.  So, he loses approximately $300 hard money cash on a fall out deal and that does not include his office /employee costs.

If EVERYONE decided to charge for their services when hired, it would shift the industry.   This is why local abstractors and title agents should agree to pay when hired.   

The clients would have no other options would they, if we all banded together?  Food for thought


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Re: COO vs Retainer - Shannon Budziak/VT
11/25/2019 9:52:52 AM (896 views)
Re: COO vs Retainer - Victoria Moate/NJ
11/25/2019 11:33:12 AM (904 views)

[+] Anyone know of this company - Karen Knuth/NY (6 replies)
4/26/2019 5:54:26 PM (3689 views)

[+] Abstracting Software - Wendi See/SC (12 replies)
4/23/2019 2:16:48 PM (3137 views)

[+] NO PAYMENT - Sara Tressler/PA (2 replies)
4/23/2019 12:15:55 PM (2938 views)

NO PAYMENT - Sara Tressler/PA
4/22/2019 5:03:28 PM (2213 views)

Real Title Services

[+] NationalLink LP - Michael Vernon/AZ (5 replies)
4/19/2019 4:50:49 PM (3765 views)

[+] Southern Land and Title - Diane Sherrill/SC (13 replies)
4/15/2019 8:50:18 PM (3146 views)

4/15/2019 9:05:14 AM (3257 views)

[+] Blue Streak Docs - Diane Sherrill/SC (19 replies)
4/14/2019 10:16:20 PM (3365 views)

[+] Title Wave - Diane Sherrill/SC (21 replies)
4/12/2019 12:05:20 PM (3407 views)

[+] Disclaimers - Diane Sherrill/SC (7 replies)
4/12/2019 11:53:16 AM (2420 views)

[+] What's in a name... - Jay Duncan/MO (9 replies)
4/11/2019 1:49:36 PM (2396 views)

[+] Has anyone worked with American Abstractors? - SHELIA DENMARK/GA (8 replies)
4/10/2019 2:44:49 PM (2586 views)

[+] COPIES COPIES COPIES - Patricia Harpur/PA (9 replies)
4/10/2019 2:22:56 PM (2748 views)

[+] Smart Abstract Services - Ted Williamson/TX (7 replies)
4/4/2019 12:26:41 PM (2845 views)

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