Yes, We get this insipid request at least 3 times a year...If it is a good company and they only request deed copies or minimal copies we raise our price by 5 or 10 dollars and take the good with the bad then it is a win-win. We also let them know that if the copies are over 10 we will charge them for the extra copies and contact the client on a case by case bases. It has worked out good for us. Example: 1 report may only have 2 copies and another report may have 12 the first report we don't bill because it is in our negotiated fees. The second report we call the client and bill them 2 dollars extra or anything above the negotiated fee. We end of making money in the end because of their limited copy request. Some companies are under the same negotiated tier and we will not do work for I totally understand where you are coming from. Just make sure if you want to gain a new client making such a ridiculous request you might want to see what the actual copies are that they are requesting so you don't miss out on a good relationship. If you still don't trust them then put a credit cap on the amount of money that they owe you and at that cap, you don't do any extra work until that amount has been paid in full and your relationship has proven itself.
On a slightly different topic, I Pray every day we can keep our jobs as they are headed up into the cloud sooner than later. So we need to negotiate with our clients...Especially since the cloud will become the only portal for us and EVERYONE else to have access, there will not be much of a need for us down the I have felt this since 2017!
Regarding the online access to personal yet public records; We may see new changes as soon as January 2020. Europe is getting it right regarding personal yet public information and cyber security! Gosh, I wish they would Take down all of our online title information!
Have a great day!
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