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[+] Just stop whining and... - Jay Duncan/MO (3 replies)
12/1/2004 2:38:17 PM (2132 views)

[+] co-op v. Condo - Chet Mazur/CA (4 replies)
12/1/2004 11:50:54 AM (2227 views)

[+] What's it like in Northeastern NC? - Jean Allen/NC (1 reply)
12/1/2004 9:44:52 AM (2223 views)

[+] The end is near... - Jay Duncan/MO (1 reply)
11/30/2004 11:51:50 PM (3081 views)

[+] Infinity - Kathy Clark/CA (2 replies)
11/30/2004 4:25:17 PM (2188 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Vendor Management Companies - Balaji N (27 replies)
11/29/2004 2:44:02 AM (2867 views)

[+] Interest on Past Due Invoices - Lisa Ramsey/TX (4 replies)
11/28/2004 4:21:37 PM (2118 views)

[+] newsletter - monica froese/ME (3 replies)
11/28/2004 3:35:10 PM (2114 views)

[+] Great Plane Fare - Shannon Blatt/VA (1 reply)
11/27/2004 4:44:44 PM (2173 views)

[+] Thank you David Bloys!!! - Judy Nisonger/CA (3 replies)
11/26/2004 6:00:50 PM (2202 views)

[+] Thank you - Julie Jasiunas/WI (1 reply)
11/25/2004 10:57:59 AM (2083 views)

[+] Happy Thanksgiving.... - Loretta Reed/MD (2 replies)
11/25/2004 9:27:16 AM (2015 views)

[+] Check it out... - Jay Duncan/MO (3 replies)
11/24/2004 8:37:45 PM (2915 views)

See You participated-Wasn't that fun - Susie/OH/OH
11/24/2004 3:50:18 PM (1752 views)

[-] Heads up everyone, we are being noticed... - Jay Duncan/MO (12 replies)
11/24/2004 2:30:33 PM (3809 views)

Hey gang,

NALTEA is being noticed in the Title News put out by ALTA.  We are referred to (not by name) in the Message from the President and again in the cover story, paragraph seven.

Here is the link to the cover story, http://www.alta.org/publications/titlenews/04/06_01.cfm

Do you feel ALTA is meeting your needs?

I've sent Mark Bilbrey the following e-mail:

Good afternoon Mark Bilbrey.

            My name is Jay Duncan and I’m the President of the newly formed association known as NALTEA, the National Association of Land Title Examiners and Abstractors.  I read your message in the November/December 2004 issue of the Title News and couldn’t help but think that the message was partially addressing our association “My other goal is to help unify the title industry and bring back to ALTA those who have felt the need to form their own groups” and “ He cites the formation of a new association for independent abstractors as an example of a group that should not need to form.”

            We are having our Winter Conference in Dallas, Texas, January 14th-16th, 2005.  I am personally inviting you to attend the conference, not there to support or condone us, but to see for yourself what NALTEA is all about.  Please check out our web-site at www.naltea.org .  You will be able to gather what information you need to attend the conference and see what is being presented.  Feel free to call me with any questions at 866-450-7399.




                        James (Jay) R. Duncan

I hope he is able to attend.  You can e-mail him and invite him yourself if you wish at 'service@alta.org'  attention Mark Bilbrey.

Jay Duncan

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Re: Heads up everyone, we are being noticed... - Jay Duncan
11/24/2004 4:53:05 PM (3256 views)
Re: Heads up everyone, we are being noticed... - Lisa Ramsey/TX
11/25/2004 12:07:39 PM (3270 views)
Re: Heads up everyone, we are being noticed... - kevin ahern/CT
11/25/2004 12:58:04 PM (3280 views)
Re: Heads up everyone, we are being noticed... - Shannon Blatt/VA
11/25/2004 6:15:21 PM (3261 views)
Re: Heads up everyone, we are being noticed... - Jay Duncan/MO
11/26/2004 10:41:01 AM (4420 views)
Re: Heads up everyone, we are being noticed... - Robert Franco/OH
11/26/2004 10:56:56 AM (3224 views)
...my thoughts exactly Kevin... - Ellen Malloy/MO
11/28/2004 9:52:52 PM (3228 views)
Re: ...my thoughts exactly Kevin... - Judy Nisonger/CA
11/29/2004 2:26:02 PM (3170 views)
Re: ...my thoughts exactly Kevin... - Jay Duncan
11/29/2004 2:53:59 PM (3131 views)
Re: ...my thoughts exactly Kevin... - Robert Franco/OH
11/29/2004 3:18:26 PM (3145 views)
Re: ...my thoughts exactly Kevin... - Lisa Ramsey/TX
11/29/2004 6:29:40 PM (3141 views)
Re: ...my thoughts exactly Kevin... - Robert Franco/OH
11/29/2004 8:07:42 PM (3114 views)

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