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Happy New Year! - Robert Franco/OH
12/31/2004 6:31:45 PM (1703 views)
Re: Happy New Year! - Jay Duncan
1/1/2005 11:43:50 AM (2212 views)

Little Scanner - Judy Nisonger/CA
12/31/2004 5:58:12 PM (1723 views)
Re: Little Scanner - Robert Franco/OH
12/31/2004 6:34:39 PM (2302 views)
Re: Little Scanner - Shannon Blatt/VA
12/31/2004 8:20:25 PM (2336 views)
Re: Little Scanner - Judy Nisonger/CA
1/1/2005 5:29:59 PM (2314 views)

Mortgage Fraud Epidemic - David Bloys/TX
12/30/2004 1:36:04 AM (2508 views)

Just trying to learn - Want to be an abstractor/OH
12/29/2004 6:58:06 PM (1775 views)
Re: Just trying to learn - Douglas Gallant/OH
12/29/2004 8:23:20 PM (2470 views)
Re: Just trying to learn - Kurt deVries/FL
12/29/2004 10:01:18 PM (2411 views)
Re: Just trying to learn - Want to be an abstractor/OH
12/29/2004 10:42:51 PM (2456 views)
Re: Just trying to learn - Shannon Blatt/VA
12/29/2004 10:55:04 PM (2404 views)
Re: Just trying to learn - I wanna be/OH
12/30/2004 6:29:43 PM (2394 views)
Re: Just trying to learn - Shannon Blatt/VA
12/30/2004 6:50:51 PM (2391 views)
Re: Just trying to learn - Robert Breakell/CT
12/30/2004 7:01:33 PM (2379 views)
Re: Just trying to learn - I wanna be/OH
12/30/2004 7:07:55 PM (2388 views)
Re: Just trying to learn - kevin ahern/CT
12/31/2004 6:33:26 AM (2514 views)
Re: Just trying to learn - susan kostalas/PA
1/2/2005 12:30:42 PM (2341 views)

SOT Hospitality Suite - Robert Franco/OH
12/29/2004 5:30:26 PM (1311 views)

Real Title Services

ZENO DATA? - Rebecca Barney/FL
12/29/2004 3:51:01 PM (2126 views)
Re: ZENO DATA? - Robert Franco/OH
12/29/2004 4:17:50 PM (2438 views)
Re: ZENO DATA? - Kurt deVries/FL
12/29/2004 10:03:52 PM (2424 views)
Re: ZENO DATA? - Mark Russomanno/NJ
12/30/2004 4:56:37 PM (2504 views)
Re: ZENO DATA? - Robert Franco/OH
12/30/2004 5:13:51 PM (2387 views)
Re: ZENO DATA? - Mark Russomanno/NJ
12/30/2004 5:18:04 PM (2346 views)
Re: ZENO DATA? - central search inc central search inc/WI
12/30/2004 3:26:30 PM (2441 views)
Re: ZENO DATA? - Rebecca Barney/FL
1/3/2005 9:38:49 AM (2548 views)
Re: ZENO DATA? - Rebecca Barney/FL
1/3/2005 9:41:01 AM (2362 views)
Re: ZENO DATA? - Kurt deVries/FL
1/3/2005 10:25:13 AM (2395 views)
Re: ZENO DATA? - Judy Nisonger/CA
1/3/2005 12:19:10 PM (2319 views)

Confusing Instructions from Client - Larry Crooks/OH
12/29/2004 8:11:41 AM (1803 views)
Re: Confusing Instructions from Client - Shannon Blatt/VA
12/29/2004 10:53:04 AM (2378 views)
Re: Confusing Instructions from Client - Larry Crooks/OH
12/29/2004 1:49:56 PM (2297 views)
Re: Confusing Instructions from Client - Robert Franco/OH
12/29/2004 1:57:11 PM (2341 views)
Re: Confusing Instructions from Client - Rebecca Barney/FL
12/29/2004 10:54:45 AM (2292 views)
Re: Confusing Instructions from Client - Robert Franco/OH
12/29/2004 11:03:05 AM (2303 views)
Re: Confusing Instructions from Client - David Bloys/TX
12/29/2004 11:15:26 AM (2315 views)
Re: Confusing Instructions from Client - Shannon Blatt/VA
12/29/2004 6:18:12 PM (2265 views)
Re: Confusing Instructions from Client - Robert Franco/OH
12/29/2004 6:50:57 PM (2267 views)
Re: Confusing Instructions from Client - Shannon Blatt/VA
12/29/2004 10:55:56 PM (2255 views)
Re: Confusing Instructions from Client - Lisa Ramsey/TX
12/31/2004 12:38:52 PM (2308 views)
Re: Confusing Instructions from Client - Lisa Ramsey/TX
12/31/2004 12:38:55 PM (2252 views)

Ethics - Robert Breakell/CT
12/28/2004 6:55:44 PM (1451 views)

Follow-up on the E & O Article - Jarrod Clabaugh/OH
12/27/2004 4:23:14 PM (1449 views)

Another Day Off - Shannon Blatt/VA
12/27/2004 12:16:13 AM (1899 views)
Re: Another Day Off - Mark Russomanno/NJ
12/27/2004 4:14:33 PM (2274 views)
Re: Another Day Off - Douglas Gallant/OH
12/27/2004 5:14:23 PM (2260 views)
Re: Another Day Off - Robert Franco/OH
12/27/2004 5:22:04 PM (2263 views)
Re: Another Day Off - Douglas Gallant/OH
12/27/2004 6:00:35 PM (2281 views)
Re: Another Day Off - Lisa Ramsey/TX
12/27/2004 11:29:18 PM (2218 views)

County purges Web site - David Bloys/TX
12/26/2004 8:58:32 PM (2746 views)
Re: County purges Web site - Douglas Gallant/OH
12/28/2004 2:29:51 PM (3598 views)
Re: County purges Web site - David Bloys/TX
12/28/2004 7:29:53 PM (2150 views)
Re: County purges Web site - kevin ahern/CT
12/29/2004 5:41:02 AM (2153 views)
Re: County purges Web site - David Bloys/TX
12/29/2004 8:28:11 AM (2090 views)
Re: County purges Web site - Charles Skinner/NY
12/29/2004 12:37:55 PM (2112 views)
Re: County purges Web site - David Bloys/TX
12/29/2004 1:50:27 PM (2145 views)
Re: County purges Web site - Charles Skinner/NY
12/29/2004 3:18:01 PM (2204 views)
Re: County purges Web site - Douglas Gallant/OH
12/29/2004 3:23:36 PM (3654 views)
Re: County purges Web site - David Bloys/TX
12/29/2004 6:45:11 PM (2096 views)
Re: County purges Web site - Charles Skinner/NY
12/30/2004 10:42:05 AM (2120 views)
Re: County purges Web site - David Bloys/TX
12/30/2004 2:45:26 PM (2112 views)
Re: County purges Web site - Charles Skinner/NY
12/30/2004 3:51:37 PM (2067 views)
Re: County purges Web site - David Bloys/TX
12/30/2004 5:53:44 PM (3621 views)
Re: County purges Web site - Charles Skinner/NY
1/3/2005 10:23:22 AM (3700 views)
Re: County purges Web site - David Bloys/TX
1/4/2005 12:35:28 AM (3401 views)

I will send a personal e-mail to Robert and ask him to redact the information I provided, as I have made my point.
If your point was a statement that you have no concern about your own personal information being published on the internet, yes you have. If your point was that none of us should be concerned because you are not, then no you haven't made your point. In any case, I am glad someone has convinced you to request the removal of your personal information. Jeb Bush made the same decision in Florida recently. He had his social security number redacted from an online document where it had resided since the county published it. Right beside his SS # are those of the couple the Bush's sold their property to.

1.) It would be unprofessional and unethical to post my work on the internet, but not for the reason you cite.  My clients have paid me for a service.  I protect the information that I send to my client because I have added value to it (by collecting and writing search notes), which they have purchased.  To post it for free perusal on the net would be a theft of their purchase.  If I wish to do search work during my off hours on a random name or property, and post those search notes and copies on the internet, there is nothing inherrently unethical, unprofessional, or illegal about it.  

The question was not whether or not you would publish your search notes Charles it was whether or not you would publish the information that you call "public information" and a "commodity". 

2.)What is Public Record, is Public Record.  You have made this contention several times now without backing it up in anyway beyond stating your own opinion. While you have a right to your opinion and a right to state it here. Why should we assume your opinion is the correct one? You have quoted no articles, no cases. But I am curious. What is your definition of public. The Public Records acts were written so that we could keep an eye on the government. Not so that individuals or companies could keep track of the public. Who are the public Charles? I looked up a couple of definitions from legal dictionaries.

PUBLIC - By the term the public, is meant the whole body politic, or all the citizens of the state; sometimes it signifies the inhabitants of a particular place; as, the New York public. From the Lectric Law Library
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Who is the public? I don't think of the Indian Outsourcing companies or their Chinese allies as part ot the American Public. I don't think of forein terrorists as part of the American public. Do you? Should they be allowed the same equal access into the private lives of Americans as those who live in the community? Given that the American Public Records acts were addressed to the American people don't you think they were refering to the citizens of their jurisdiction?

The clerk's ethical and professional obligation ends with the accuracy and the physical protection from tampering of the Public Record.  They have no professional obligation, nor athority (regardless of ethics),
As the laws stand now you are correct. However this is being changed all over the country. The legislators here and in many other states are not going to disregard ethics. Not when it comes to the safety and security of their constituents.
 to prevent the release of the information contained in the public record, in any format, regardless if that information may harm an individual or not.
Exactly my point and the point of legislators all over the country who are closing the security leaks as they find them. The law is catching up to the technology.

IT IS POSSIBLE TO GATHER AT LEAST 80% OF INFORMATION ABOUT THE ENEMY."  Nowhere in the training manual did it ever talk about the internet.
Nowhere in what has yet been released by the DOD did the manual mention the internet. But the al Queda manuals were found on computers in Afghanisan and London. We already knew they were using the internet and in fact have monitored much of their actions on the world wide webb. Surely you are not suggesting they do not use the internet?
"The bandwidth-intensive Paul Johnson beheading video is first uploaded for display on al Qaeda-sympathetic sites worldwide on the hijacked server of a legitimate California geographic information company." Aparently a public information site. Who Owns This Place?  Al Qaeda’s war rages online http://www.publicsectorinstitute.net/ELetters/EGovernment/v2n9/OnlineWar.lsp

Rumsfeld concludeds that they access the internet,
Yes and it is a reasonable conclusion. What is your conclusion? Is their some reason you believe they would choose to expose themselves by walking into separate courthouses and digging out of the paper public records what they can so easily obtain on the internet from anywhere in the world? Only on the internet can they pretend to be a member of the American public entitled to our public records. Why would they bother to use any other method? Throughout this conversation I have cited cases where terrorists, identity thieves and stalkers have all accessed the public records online. You can say the same records are available in person and this is true. But the cold fact is this is not their access point to these records. The access point they are using is the Internet. Can you cite any articles or cases where they went to the local court house to get the information they needed?

and spoke about DOD OPerational SECurity (Capatilized for reference above) of posting missions on the DOD Website (it's real short).
Actually, Secretary Rumsfeld has quoted this portion of the al Qaeda manual many times. The reference you cite here is the one where he addresses ways to make the DOD Website more secure. It doesn't apply to the thousands of other sources to the public data available on the internet and is certainly not where Ramzi  Binalshibh, the Yemeni-born coordinator of the 9/11 attack stole the California identity he used. Or the identities stolen by his 18 known accomplices, now known to total well over 50 from five different states.

Throughout this conversation you have offered only your personal opinion and information. It would be helpful if you could offer any articles or cases that support your opinion.

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Re: County purges Web site - Charles Skinner/NY
1/4/2005 9:25:02 AM (2024 views)
Re: County purges Web site - Douglas Gallant/OH
12/30/2004 7:08:22 PM (1953 views)
Re: County purges Web site - Lisa Ramsey/TX
12/31/2004 1:01:13 PM (2063 views)
Re: County purges Web site - Lisa Ramsey/TX
12/31/2004 1:01:14 PM (2013 views)
Re: County purges Web site - Robert Franco/OH
12/30/2004 4:08:31 PM (2092 views)
Re: County purges Web site - David Bloys/TX
12/30/2004 4:28:40 PM (2020 views)
Re: County purges Web site - kevin ahern/CT
12/29/2004 7:15:27 PM (2008 views)
Re: County purges Web site - David Bloys/TX
12/29/2004 10:18:32 PM (2000 views)
Re: County purges Web site - kevin ahern/CT
12/30/2004 6:23:28 AM (1942 views)
Re: County purges Web site - kevin ahern/CT
12/30/2004 6:23:30 AM (1969 views)
Re: County purges Web site - Judy Nisonger/CA
12/31/2004 2:37:24 PM (1974 views)
Re: County purges Web site - John Redhead/NY
1/4/2005 10:55:11 AM (1912 views)

I was very excited to see... - Loretta Reed/MD
12/26/2004 10:50:19 AM (1515 views)

CHRISTMAS - Michelle Bernard/LA
12/25/2004 5:57:57 PM (1403 views)

Carrying a Disclaimer for Services--Your Thoughts? - Jennifer Masters/MI
12/23/2004 2:04:47 AM (1859 views)
Re: Carrying a Disclaimer for Services--Your Thoughts? - kevin ahern/CT
12/23/2004 5:42:21 AM (2305 views)
Re: Carrying a Disclaimer for Services--Your Thoughts? - Kim Cowles/WI
12/23/2004 9:23:16 AM (2188 views)
Re: Carrying a Disclaimer for Services--Your Thoughts? - Robert Franco/OH
12/23/2004 10:41:17 AM (2194 views)
Re: Carrying a Disclaimer for Services--Your Thoughts? - Mark Russomanno/NJ
12/23/2004 2:46:11 PM (2163 views)
Re: Carrying a Disclaimer for Services--Your Thoughts? - Robert Breakell/CT
12/23/2004 8:49:24 PM (2116 views)
Re: Carrying a Disclaimer for Services--Your Thoughts? - kevin ahern/CT
12/24/2004 7:29:13 AM (2193 views)
Re: Carrying a Disclaimer for Services--Your Thoughts? - Robert Franco/OH
12/24/2004 10:55:38 AM (2169 views)
Re: Carrying a Disclaimer for Services--Your Thoughts? - kevin ahern/CT
12/24/2004 1:42:28 PM (2116 views)
Re: Carrying a Disclaimer for Services--Your Thoughts? - Douglas Gallant/OH
12/27/2004 5:36:47 PM (2164 views)
Re: Carrying a Disclaimer for Services--Your Thoughts? - Larry Crooks/OH
12/29/2004 8:34:20 AM (2031 views)
Re: Carrying a Disclaimer for Services--Your Thoughts? - Robert Franco/OH
12/29/2004 10:51:37 AM (2033 views)
Re: Carrying a Disclaimer for Services--Your Thoughts? - Lisa Ramsey/TX
12/31/2004 1:33:07 PM (2087 views)
Re: Carrying a Disclaimer for Services--Your Thoughts? - Jennifer Masters/MI
2/1/2005 10:56:16 PM (2065 views)
Re: Carrying a Disclaimer for Services--Your Thoughts? - Jennifer Masters/MI
2/1/2005 10:49:41 PM (2082 views)

75 and counting!!! - Jay Duncan/MO
12/22/2004 2:00:50 PM (2352 views)

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