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Winter Conference - Smitty Strickland/SC
1/15/2005 5:12:43 PM (1729 views)
Re: Winter Conference - Robert Franco/OH
1/16/2005 1:30:30 AM (2056 views)

Thank you Robert for the Stories/Pictures - Lisa Ramsey/TX
1/15/2005 3:01:56 PM (1751 views)
Re: Thank you Robert for the Stories/Pictures - Jamie Shoemaker/NY
1/15/2005 3:05:19 PM (2121 views)
Re: Thank you Robert for the Stories/Pictures - Robert Franco/OH
1/16/2005 1:33:56 AM (2147 views)

Stand up for what you Believe - Lisa Ramsey/TX
1/15/2005 2:56:35 PM (1360 views)

Oh I Wish I was there - Lisa Ramsey/TX
1/15/2005 12:38:53 PM (1454 views)

Public vs. Private Message Posts - Larry Crooks/OH
1/14/2005 2:46:39 PM (1823 views)
Re: Public vs. Private Message Posts - Scott Perry/PA
1/14/2005 4:40:05 PM (2132 views)
Re: Public vs. Private Message Posts - Michelle Bernard/LA
1/14/2005 7:03:36 PM (2153 views)
Re: Public vs. Private Message Posts - Shannon Blatt/VA
1/17/2005 11:19:47 PM (2169 views)

Real Title Services

1/14/2005 11:36:02 AM (1901 views)
1/14/2005 2:12:54 PM (2122 views)
1/15/2005 10:47:18 AM (2131 views)
1/19/2005 2:20:42 PM (2087 views)
1/19/2005 9:41:20 PM (2118 views)

If Anyone Is Still Lurking and Not Traveling to Conference - Help with Notary Closings Please! - Lisa Ramsey/TX
1/14/2005 10:23:59 AM (1870 views)
Re: If Anyone Is Still Lurking and Not Traveling to Conference - Help with Notary Closings Please! - Judy Nisonger/CA
1/14/2005 11:24:05 AM (2129 views)
Re: If Anyone Is Still Lurking and Not Traveling to Conference - Help with Notary Closings Please! - Lisa Ramsey/TX
1/15/2005 2:51:03 PM (2058 views)

Judy - I don't feel I was really "wronged" by you.  I feel you were posting differently than in emails and telephone conversations to me for fear of repercusion by some of your clients.  No matter who our clients are, David, Robert and I, and others, have posted how we feel.  People respect people who stand up for how they believe no matter what the repercusions are.  I don't feel that joking or saying "you guys can duke-it-out" at my place was proper especially when you feel the same about most issues.  If what is happening in the industry was beneficial to lending institutions, title companies and the general public, I sure that David, Robert and the rest of us would certainly accept the change for the better and go on.  It is just that the truth is it is not.  It has cost the general public billions of dollars in identity theft, harmed lending institutions and title companies severely and they needed to know what is going on and why.  I truly believe that the lending institutions and/or title companies were not aware of 1) that the vendor management companies were doing in-house searches; 2) that online resources were not the same as courthouse resources; 3) that online sources even though on county sites sometimes were not being compiled by the county clerks themselves and contained many errors.  Because of all of these reasons - the title industry as a whole and the general public have been severely harmed.  If assignments and releases in my state cannot be found inonline searching and the whole purpose of doing a mortgage release report than people need to be informed - whether or not it hurts my business.  I know some companies are giving me just some when they can't even find the mortgage - I still say what I say - I do the work - I do quality work and they send them to me.  It doesn't matter to me whether or not they continue to send it to me if I post on the site that it is not good.  When a lending institution is sending assignments to be filed 4-5 times because online searching produces "no finds" then it is costing in filing fees alone - hundreds of dollars - when our initial search is less than the cost of refiling just once - doesn't make good business sense to me to not send directly to the abstractor.  I started working for a company doing mortgage/release reports and saw a whole list under a lending institutions name - of assignments without legals.  Looked at one of them and found out it was this company.  I called the company and told them my concerns - that in this State without the legal we cannot find assigments - we cannot go through thousands of records of an individual lending institutions to find these.  I told them most of Texas counties do not list under mortgagors name - they thanked me because I probably saved them a client.  They immediately made changes to include legals in their assignments and releases.  This might have irritated a client for me to bring this up but I was more concern about records themselves then losing a client - ultimately I believe companies respect  people that speak up no matter what.  When one of us won't stand for what we believe in - it brings the rest down - please stand for what you believe in - no matter what the cost is. 

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Re: If Anyone Is Still Lurking and Not Traveling to Conference - Help with Notary Closings Please! - Judy Nisonger/CA
1/15/2005 10:22:33 PM (2130 views)
Re: If Anyone Is Still Lurking and Not Traveling to Conference - Help with Notary Closings Please! - Susie/OH
1/14/2005 10:16:01 PM (3181 views)
Re: If Anyone Is Still Lurking and Not Traveling to Conference - Help with Notary Closings Please! - Lisa Ramsey/TX
1/15/2005 3:05:29 PM (2081 views)
Re: If Anyone Is Still Lurking and Not Traveling to Conference - Help with Notary Closings Please! - Jamie Shoemaker/NY
1/15/2005 1:54:11 PM (2060 views)
Re: If Anyone Is Still Lurking and Not Traveling to Conference - Help with Notary Closings Please! - Lisa Ramsey/TX
1/15/2005 3:06:43 PM (2012 views)
Re: If Anyone Is Still Lurking and Not Traveling to Conference - Help with Notary Closings Please! - Judy Nisonger/CA
1/15/2005 10:27:17 PM (2006 views)

Tomorrow it all begins!!! - Jay Duncan
1/13/2005 3:37:31 PM (1761 views)
Re: Tomorrow it all begins!!! - David Bloys/TX
1/13/2005 11:38:13 PM (2069 views)
Re: Tomorrow it all begins!!! - Jay Duncan
1/13/2005 11:50:50 PM (2051 views)

To all that are attending the conference - Donna Grady/NC
1/13/2005 11:20:27 AM (1744 views)
Re: To all that are attending the conference - Jay Duncan/MO
1/13/2005 3:29:14 PM (3159 views)
Re: To all that are attending the conference - Donna Grady/NC
1/14/2005 11:10:44 PM (2052 views)
Re: To all that are attending the conference - Jay Duncan
1/15/2005 7:08:35 PM (2086 views)

Dress Code for Conference? - Kurt deVries/FL
1/13/2005 10:36:09 AM (1864 views)
Re: Dress Code for Conference? - Robert Franco/OH
1/13/2005 11:36:26 AM (2113 views)
Re: Dress Code for Conference? - Jay Duncan
1/13/2005 12:32:34 PM (2112 views)
Re: Dress Code for Conference? - Douglas Gallant/OH
1/13/2005 3:13:33 PM (2118 views)
Re: Dress Code for Conference? - Jamie Shoemaker/NY
1/15/2005 1:55:37 PM (2100 views)
Re: Dress Code for Conference? - Lisa Ramsey/TX
1/15/2005 2:14:31 PM (2167 views)

Land Options INC - T  IN Montana/MT
1/13/2005 5:23:32 AM (2742 views)
Re: Land Options INC - Kurt deVries/FL
1/13/2005 10:33:27 AM (2310 views)
Re: Land Options INC - T in Montana/MT
1/13/2005 12:54:45 PM (2306 views)
Re: Land Options INC - Shannon Blatt/VA
1/13/2005 3:45:07 PM (2260 views)
Re: Land Options INC - Kurt deVries/FL
1/13/2005 6:42:46 PM (2261 views)
Re: Land Options INC - Scott Perry/PA
1/13/2005 8:09:27 PM (2251 views)
Re: Land Options INC - Lisa Ramsey/TX
1/14/2005 10:20:08 AM (2297 views)
Re: Land Options INC - Scott Perry/PA
1/14/2005 4:31:17 PM (2157 views)
Re: Land Options INC - Shannon Blatt/VA
1/17/2005 7:13:47 PM (2232 views)

Fidlar software (Fidlar & Chambers) - Toni Harper/WI
1/13/2005 12:11:46 AM (2256 views)
Re: Fidlar software (Fidlar & Chambers) - David Bloys/TX
1/13/2005 9:47:46 AM (2251 views)
Re: Fidlar software (Fidlar & Chambers) - Robert Franco/OH
1/13/2005 11:20:06 AM (3389 views)
Re: Fidlar software (Fidlar & Chambers) - Jamie Shoemaker/NY
1/13/2005 12:16:13 PM (2289 views)
Re: Fidlar software (Fidlar & Chambers) - David Bloys/TX
1/13/2005 2:29:50 PM (2156 views)
Re: Fidlar software (Fidlar & Chambers) - Toni Harper/WI
1/13/2005 6:38:47 PM (2348 views)
Re: Fidlar software (Fidlar & Chambers) - Douglas Gallant/OH
1/13/2005 8:15:14 PM (2162 views)
Re: Fidlar software (Fidlar & Chambers) - Jay Duncan/MO
1/13/2005 11:09:09 PM (2240 views)
Re: Fidlar software (Fidlar & Chambers) - David Bloys/TX
1/14/2005 10:54:29 AM (2122 views)
Re: Fidlar software (Fidlar & Chambers) - Judy Nisonger/CA
1/14/2005 11:38:49 AM (2088 views)

Privacy Bill Question - James Guill/VA
1/12/2005 1:48:21 PM (1751 views)
Re: Privacy Bill Question - David Bloys/TX
1/12/2005 3:21:50 PM (2000 views)
Re: Privacy Bill Question - Helene/GA
1/12/2005 10:10:51 PM (1964 views)
Re: Privacy Bill Question - Lisa Ramsey/TX
1/13/2005 3:17:39 PM (2035 views)

Transportation to/from airport - Shannon Blatt/VA
1/12/2005 12:49:07 PM (1302 views)

Beware of PA/NJ Abstract!!!!! - Paul Hajacos/VA
1/12/2005 12:20:26 AM (2136 views)
Re: Beware of PA/NJ Abstract!!!!! - Ron Gindin/PA
1/12/2005 4:55:38 PM (2243 views)
Re: Beware of PA/NJ Abstract!!!!! - Paul Hajacos/VA
1/25/2005 9:40:08 AM (2086 views)

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