AbstractorPro (Real Title Services)
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real Estate - Sara Tressler/PA
6/6/2019 6:21:01 PM (2255 views)
Re: real Estate - Robert Franco/OH
6/6/2019 8:59:41 PM (2594 views)

Things here (North Central Ohio) have been very busy.  Several people at a couple of local title companies have told me they are "too busy."  Clients seem to be selling houses quickly - I had one who told me her home sold 4 hours after it was listed for full asking price.  

I suppose it depends on your local market.  It appears that rates are staying low and the perception of the economy is mostly very good.  I expect to see the summer remain pretty busy here.


Robert A. Franco


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Real Title Services - HOPE DEZERN/SC
6/6/2019 3:15:49 PM (2668 views)
Re: Real Title Services - David King/VA
6/6/2019 3:22:55 PM (2770 views)
Re: Real Title Services - HOPE DEZERN/SC
6/6/2019 3:32:44 PM (2591 views)
Re: Real Title Services - Angela Sharp/CA
6/19/2019 10:09:08 PM (2104 views)
Re: Real Title Services - Thomas Conrad/PA
6/8/2019 10:40:44 AM (2667 views)
Re: Real Title Services - Angela Sharp/CA
6/10/2019 4:17:29 PM (2408 views)
Re: Real Title Services - george Hubka/MI
6/10/2019 10:44:53 PM (2532 views)
Re: Real Title Services - Naomi Backes/NC
6/11/2019 9:43:52 PM (2516 views)
Re: Real Title Services - Angela Sharp/CA
6/19/2019 9:59:54 PM (1860 views)
Re: Real Title Services - Karen Knuth/NY
6/17/2019 10:04:11 AM (2045 views)
Re: Real Title Services - Angela Sharp/CA
6/19/2019 10:03:39 PM (2013 views)
Re: Real Title Services - Norean Pate/GA
6/21/2019 3:37:00 PM (2021 views)
Re: Real Title Services - Angela Sharp/CA
6/24/2019 11:53:21 AM (1835 views)

Willing property held in trust - Karen Evans/OH
6/3/2019 4:23:12 PM (2152 views)
Re: Willing property held in trust - Robert Franco/OH
6/3/2019 7:41:33 PM (2236 views)
Re: Willing property held in trust - Karen Evans/OH
6/3/2019 7:44:29 PM (2193 views)
It depends - attorney question - Bobbi Shorthouse, Notary Public/CT
6/4/2019 7:07:41 AM (2050 views)
Re: Willing property held in trust - Robert Franco/OH
6/4/2019 7:46:34 PM (2295 views)
Re: Willing property held in trust - george Hubka/MI
6/4/2019 9:11:44 AM (2199 views)
Re: Willing property held in trust - Karen Evans/OH
6/4/2019 9:13:06 AM (2179 views)
Re: Willing property held in trust - george Hubka/MI
6/4/2019 4:27:26 PM (2081 views)
Re: Willing property held in trust - Robert Franco/OH
6/4/2019 7:47:02 PM (2119 views)

Title365 - Smitty Strickland/SC
6/1/2019 4:46:53 PM (3057 views)
Re: Title365 - Craig Honeker/AZ
6/3/2019 1:26:08 PM (2537 views)
Re: Title365 - Smitty Strickland/SC
6/3/2019 4:26:36 PM (2555 views)
Re: Title365 - Naomi Backes/NC
8/24/2019 11:26:16 PM (1517 views)

D B TITLE - William Stuart/AL
5/29/2019 12:22:31 PM (2426 views)
Re: D B TITLE - Nancy Noblitt/AL
7/1/2019 3:30:41 PM (1345 views)

Real Title Services

Property Abstractors in Michigan - Carol Clark/NY
5/27/2019 3:58:11 PM (2169 views)
Re: Property Abstractors in Michigan - Alix Ott/MI
5/27/2019 6:54:14 PM (2219 views)
Re: Property Abstractors in Michigan - Carol Clark/NY
5/27/2019 8:00:51 PM (2075 views)
Re: Property Abstractors in Michigan - george Hubka/MI
5/27/2019 11:28:51 PM (1949 views)
Re: Property Abstractors in Michigan - Alix Ott/MI
5/28/2019 6:15:30 AM (1873 views)
Re: Property Abstractors in Michigan - Carol Clark/NY
5/28/2019 10:11:44 AM (1978 views)
Re: Property Abstractors in Michigan - george Hubka/MI
5/28/2019 2:01:23 PM (2071 views)
Re: Property Abstractors in Michigan - Naomi Backes/NC
5/28/2019 8:26:24 PM (2006 views)
Re: Property Abstractors in Michigan - Carol Clark/NY
5/29/2019 12:44:05 AM (2173 views)
Re: Property Abstractors in Michigan - george Hubka/MI
6/2/2019 9:13:32 AM (2241 views)
Independent Abstractor - Andreina Fowler/TX
6/19/2019 2:46:12 PM (1492 views)
Re: Independent Abstractor - george Hubka/MI
6/19/2019 4:32:56 PM (1534 views)

5/21/2019 7:03:17 PM (2677 views)
5/22/2019 3:50:10 PM (2787 views)
5/23/2019 6:34:21 AM (2574 views)
1/4/2021 11:12:04 AM (1041 views)
5/23/2019 6:59:30 AM (2565 views)
5/29/2019 1:11:54 AM (2681 views)
6/11/2019 9:45:57 PM (2320 views)
Re: FOREIGN ENTITIES - Victoria Veilleux/ME
6/17/2019 8:44:02 AM (1805 views)
6/17/2019 8:14:31 PM (1905 views)
Re: FOREIGN ENTITIES - Robert Whitehead/FL
1/4/2021 12:40:34 PM (976 views)
Re: FOREIGN ENTITIES - Robert Whitehead/FL
1/4/2021 12:40:38 PM (945 views)
1/11/2021 9:20:07 AM (752 views)

Lifeline Abstracts - latichia lee/DC
5/20/2019 10:19:05 AM (3907 views)
Re: Lifeline Abstracts - Rene Blevins/VA
5/21/2019 9:23:44 AM (2818 views)
Re: Lifeline Abstracts - Kurt deVries/FL
5/22/2019 3:48:01 PM (2990 views)
Re: Lifeline Abstracts - Alix Ott/MI
6/3/2019 9:51:27 AM (2240 views)
Re: Lifeline Abstracts - Smitty Strickland/SC
5/23/2019 7:26:12 PM (3116 views)
Re: Lifeline Abstracts - Michael Rosing/IL
6/3/2019 11:36:49 AM (2149 views)
Re: Lifeline Abstracts - John Baker/OH
5/27/2019 9:02:27 AM (2423 views)
Re: Lifeline Abstracts - Smitty Strickland/SC
5/27/2019 10:18:13 AM (2368 views)
Re: Lifeline Abstracts - Alix Ott/MI
5/27/2019 6:07:36 PM (2432 views)
Re: Lifeline Abstracts - george Hubka/MI
5/27/2019 11:31:51 PM (2031 views)
Re: Lifeline Abstracts - Alix Ott/MI
5/28/2019 6:13:04 AM (1981 views)
Re: Lifeline Abstracts - george Hubka/MI
5/28/2019 7:38:55 AM (2141 views)
Re: Lifeline Abstracts - george Hubka/MI
5/28/2019 7:38:57 AM (2204 views)
Re: Lifeline Abstracts - Joni Bargel/MN
5/28/2019 1:06:35 PM (3141 views)
Re: Lifeline Abstracts - Rene Blevins/VA
6/4/2019 8:45:00 AM (2107 views)
Re: Lifeline Abstracts - Rene Blevins/VA
6/4/2019 8:45:07 AM (2039 views)
Re: Lifeline Abstracts - Rene Blevins/VA
6/4/2019 8:45:27 AM (2067 views)
Re: Lifeline Abstracts - Rene Blevins/VA
6/4/2019 8:45:29 AM (2094 views)
Re: Lifeline Abstracts - Rene Blevins/VA
6/4/2019 8:45:32 AM (2111 views)
Re: Lifeline Abstracts - Lisa Daugette/AL
6/6/2019 10:07:43 AM (2049 views)

E&O possible rate increase - Sheila Sten/PA
5/20/2019 8:17:58 AM (2387 views)
Re: E&O possible rate increase - Melinda Barcum, J.D./AL
5/20/2019 8:48:22 AM (2380 views)
Re: E&O possible rate increase - Sheila Sten/PA
5/20/2019 8:58:31 AM (2344 views)
Re: E&O possible rate increase - Melinda Barcum, J.D./AL
5/20/2019 8:59:10 AM (2278 views)
Re: E&O possible rate increase - Sheila Sten/PA
5/20/2019 9:00:41 AM (2266 views)
Re: E&O possible rate increase - Melinda Barcum, J.D./AL
5/20/2019 9:03:08 AM (2261 views)
Re: E&O possible rate increase - Sheila Sten/PA
5/20/2019 9:11:10 AM (2302 views)
Re: E&O possible rate increase - Melinda Barcum, J.D./AL
5/20/2019 9:16:17 AM (2313 views)
Re: E&O possible rate increase - Sheila Sten/PA
5/20/2019 9:23:02 AM (2325 views)
Re: E&O possible rate increase - Melinda Barcum, J.D./AL
5/20/2019 9:28:43 AM (2354 views)
Re: E&O possible rate increase - Sheila Sten/PA
5/20/2019 9:31:58 AM (2218 views)
Re: E&O possible rate increase - Stephanie Guilliams/VA
6/14/2019 4:29:58 PM (2008 views)
Re: E&O possible rate increase - Sheila Sten/PA
6/14/2019 6:34:22 PM (2120 views)
Re: E&O possible rate increase - Stephanie Guilliams/VA
6/17/2019 12:42:44 AM (1542 views)
Re: E&O possible rate increase - Victoria Veilleux/ME
6/17/2019 8:39:06 AM (1427 views)
Re: E&O possible rate increase - Stephanie Guilliams/VA
6/17/2019 12:43:56 PM (1769 views)
Re: E&O possible rate increase - Sheila Sten/PA
6/24/2019 10:10:46 AM (1366 views)

Filing Assignments years after foreclosure... - Rita Killary/NY
5/17/2019 11:04:27 AM (2193 views)
Re: Filing Assignments years after foreclosure... - Jay Duncan/MO
5/17/2019 5:39:17 PM (2135 views)
Re: Filing Assignments years after foreclosure... - Rita Killary/NY
5/17/2019 6:32:20 PM (2406 views)
Re: Filing Assignments years after foreclosure... - Jay Duncan/MO
5/17/2019 9:23:04 PM (2095 views)
Re: Filing Assignments years after foreclosure... - Rita Killary/NY
5/17/2019 9:40:35 PM (2271 views)
Re: Filing Assignments years after foreclosure... - Jay Duncan/MO
5/17/2019 10:12:03 PM (2202 views)
Re: Filing Assignments years after foreclosure... - Rita Killary/NY
5/17/2019 10:17:22 PM (2242 views)
Re: Filing Assignments years after foreclosure... - Alix Ott/MI
5/20/2019 7:44:13 AM (1808 views)
Re: Filing Assignments years after foreclosure... - Rita Killary/NY
5/20/2019 7:27:06 PM (2410 views)

Abstract Settlement - No pay - Terri Hoops/PA
5/17/2019 8:22:09 AM (2582 views)
Re: Abstract Settlement - No pay - Sheila Sten/PA
5/20/2019 8:07:34 AM (1810 views)
Re: Abstract Settlement - No pay - Terri Hoops/PA
5/20/2019 9:05:08 AM (1895 views)
Re: Abstract Settlement - No pay - Sheila Sten/PA
5/20/2019 9:15:36 AM (1811 views)
Re: Abstract Settlement - No pay - Terri Hoops/PA
5/20/2019 9:20:45 AM (1799 views)
Re: Abstract Settlement - No pay - george Hubka/MI
5/20/2019 1:56:34 PM (1878 views)
Re: Abstract Settlement - No pay - Terri Hoops/PA
5/20/2019 2:19:39 PM (1894 views)

Beware Fraudulent Activities - David King/VA
5/14/2019 3:27:32 PM (2634 views)
Re: Beware Fraudulent Activities - Jay Duncan/MO
5/16/2019 9:00:45 AM (2479 views)
Re: Beware Fraudulent Activities - David King/VA
5/16/2019 1:25:17 PM (2471 views)
Re: Beware Fraudulent Activities - Jay Duncan/MO
5/16/2019 2:17:50 PM (2344 views)
Re: Beware Fraudulent Activities - David King/VA
5/21/2019 9:53:21 AM (2065 views)
Re: Beware Fraudulent Activities - george Hubka/MI
5/20/2019 1:59:41 PM (1993 views)
Re: Beware Fraudulent Activities - David King/VA
5/21/2019 9:52:08 AM (2165 views)
Re: Beware Fraudulent Activities - george Hubka/MI
5/21/2019 10:38:17 AM (2000 views)
Re: Beware Fraudulent Activities - David King/VA
6/2/2019 6:10:05 AM (1816 views)
Re: Beware Fraudulent Activities - george Hubka/MI
5/22/2019 4:24:03 PM (1973 views)
Re: Beware Fraudulent Activities - David King/VA
6/2/2019 6:07:39 AM (2915 views)
Re: Beware Fraudulent Activities - george Hubka/MI
5/22/2019 9:48:38 PM (2040 views)
Re: Beware Fraudulent Activities - David King/VA
6/2/2019 5:37:02 AM (2132 views)

Comment on "WFG Lender Services Announces "Five-Second" Title Report" - Source of Title/OH
5/14/2019 1:23:02 PM (2407 views)
Wait. What? - F P/VA
5/14/2019 1:23:02 PM (3264 views)
Re: Comment on "WFG Lender Services Announces "Five-Second" Title Report" - Jay Duncan/MO
5/16/2019 9:06:50 AM (3399 views)
Five-Second" Title Report is Possible - Bobbi Shorthouse, Notary Public/CT
5/16/2019 9:41:04 AM (3319 views)
Re: Comment on "WFG Lender Services Announces "Five-Second" Title Report" - george Hubka/MI
5/20/2019 6:25:40 PM (2835 views)

Fee Schedule Updates - Lisa Blankenship/SC
5/9/2019 12:45:43 PM (2883 views)
Re: Fee Schedule Updates - Smitty Strickland/SC
5/13/2019 9:45:43 AM (2469 views)
Re: Fee Schedule Updates - Lisa Blankenship/SC
5/13/2019 10:01:14 AM (2483 views)
Re: Fee Schedule Updates - Smitty Strickland/SC
5/13/2019 10:11:33 AM (2624 views)
Re: Fee Schedule Updates - g h/SC
5/20/2019 7:57:29 AM (1969 views)
Re: Fee Schedule Updates - g h/SC
5/20/2019 7:57:31 AM (1967 views)

Interesting Article but... - Jay Duncan/MO
5/2/2019 2:50:30 PM (3830 views)
Re: Interesting Article but... - Smitty Strickland/SC
5/2/2019 3:37:23 PM (2476 views)
Assessor's Office to get/verify ... - Bobbi Shorthouse, Notary Public/CT
5/3/2019 8:32:55 AM (2139 views)
Re: Assessor's Office to get/verify ... - Richard Primmer/RI
5/3/2019 4:38:36 PM (2363 views)
Re: Assessor's Office to get/verify ... - Naomi Backes/NC
5/4/2019 12:39:43 AM (2363 views)
Re: Assessor's Office to get/verify ... - Dawn Mills/NH
5/6/2019 11:46:56 AM (2232 views)
Re: Interesting Article but... - Serena Stout/VA
5/6/2019 12:40:26 PM (2154 views)
Re: Interesting Article but... - Serena Stout/VA
5/6/2019 12:44:15 PM (2224 views)

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We are an AMERICAN production and marketplace company, working with most of the major underwriters and Seeking LOCAL independant title searcher(s) for regular work in the following PA counties:
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