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Radio Coverage of online "public" records - David Bloys/TX
2/22/2005 7:42:24 PM (2460 views)
Re: Radio Coverage of online "public" records - Shannon Blatt/VA
2/22/2005 9:39:56 PM (2255 views)
Re: Radio Coverage of online "public" records - David Bloys/TX
2/23/2005 12:12:46 AM (2313 views)
Re: Radio Coverage of online "public" records - James Guill/VA
2/24/2005 5:57:07 AM (2214 views)
Re: Radio Coverage of online "public" records - James Guill/VA
2/24/2005 6:04:30 AM (2247 views)
Re: Radio Coverage of online "public" records - James Guill/VA
2/24/2005 6:11:17 AM (2183 views)

2/22/2005 4:14:19 PM (1878 views)
2/22/2005 4:24:52 PM (2178 views)
2/22/2005 6:19:50 PM (2228 views)
2/22/2005 6:56:34 PM (2192 views)
2/22/2005 7:03:49 PM (2248 views)

Subscriptions... - Robert Franco/OH
2/21/2005 4:56:19 PM (1880 views)
Re: Subscriptions...another suggestion - Loretta Reed/MD
2/21/2005 5:18:44 PM (2243 views)
Re: Subscriptions...another suggestion - Robert Franco/OH
2/22/2005 11:55:17 AM (2117 views)
Re: Subscriptions...another suggestion - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/22/2005 1:48:50 PM (2155 views)
PS - I Just Checked Something - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/22/2005 1:52:52 PM (2130 views)
Re: Subscriptions...another suggestion - Robert Franco/OH
2/22/2005 2:11:49 PM (2168 views)

Toner refill kits..... - Loretta Reed/MD
2/21/2005 1:01:27 PM (2437 views)
Re: Toner refill kits..... - Amanda Fuller/TX
2/21/2005 1:39:05 PM (2273 views)
Re: Toner refill kits..... - Loretta Reed/MD
2/21/2005 4:11:19 PM (2244 views)
Re: Toner refill kits..... - Loretta Reed/MD
2/21/2005 4:12:14 PM (2201 views)
Re: Toner refill kits..... - Amanda Fuller/TX
2/21/2005 4:29:17 PM (2224 views)
Re: Toner refill kits..... - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/21/2005 5:33:40 PM (2287 views)
Re: Toner refill kits..... - Alan Hirsch/NY
2/21/2005 11:12:03 PM (3074 views)

Are Arizona/Nevada Online? - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/21/2005 11:38:55 AM (1848 views)
Re: Are Arizona/Nevada Online? - David Bloys/TX
2/21/2005 1:03:45 PM (2147 views)
Re: Are Arizona/Nevada Online? - Robert Franco/OH
2/21/2005 2:28:50 PM (2148 views)
Re: Are Arizona/Nevada Online? - David Bloys/TX
2/21/2005 7:52:32 PM (2138 views)

Real Title Services

Enhanced listing renewal - Judy Nisonger/CA
2/21/2005 4:30:42 AM (1803 views)
Re: Enhanced listing renewal - Robert Franco/OH
2/21/2005 9:57:47 AM (2170 views)

did you read this ChoicePoint Identity... - Donna Grady/NC
2/19/2005 10:25:22 PM (1921 views)
Re: did you read this ChoicePoint Identity... - Smitty Strickland/SC
2/20/2005 2:37:42 PM (2180 views)

2/19/2005 9:38:34 PM (1352 views)

Fees Being Charged - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/19/2005 3:51:44 PM (1957 views)
Re: Fees Being Charged - Judy Nisonger/CA
2/19/2005 5:54:16 PM (2406 views)
Re: Fees Being Charged - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/19/2005 6:13:22 PM (2459 views)
Re: Fees Being Charged - Judy Nisonger/CA
2/19/2005 9:43:04 PM (2398 views)
Re: Fees Being Charged - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
2/20/2005 2:46:01 PM (2294 views)
Re: Fees Being Charged - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/20/2005 8:09:20 PM (2372 views)
Re: Fees Being Charged - Judy Nisonger/CA
2/20/2005 8:13:43 PM (2273 views)
Re: Fees Being Charged - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/20/2005 9:45:47 PM (2331 views)
Re: Fees Being Charged - Judy Nisonger/CA
2/21/2005 3:54:44 AM (2210 views)
Re: Fees Being Charged - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/21/2005 8:48:04 AM (2223 views)
Re: Fees Being Charged - Shannon Blatt/VA
2/21/2005 9:55:06 AM (2374 views)
Re: Fees Being Charged - Douglas Gallant/OH
2/21/2005 3:45:45 PM (2260 views)
Re: Fees Being Charged - Robert Franco/OH
2/21/2005 3:53:20 PM (2308 views)
Re: Fees Being Charged - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/21/2005 3:59:33 PM (2312 views)
Re: Fees Being Charged - Robert Franco/OH
2/21/2005 4:07:25 PM (2214 views)
Re: Fees Being Charged - Ellen Malloy/MO
2/21/2005 9:31:39 PM (2166 views)
Re: Fees Being Charged - Judy Nisonger/CA
2/21/2005 10:24:23 PM (2165 views)
Re: Fees Being Charged - Jay Duncan/MO
2/22/2005 8:34:54 AM (2156 views)
Re: Fees Being Charged - Judy Nisonger/CA
2/22/2005 11:17:01 PM (2209 views)
Re: Fees Being Charged - Jay Duncan
2/23/2005 8:07:30 AM (2214 views)
Re: Fees Being Charged - Ellen Malloy/MO
2/23/2005 12:21:38 AM (2235 views)
Re: Fees Being Charged - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/23/2005 8:56:01 AM (2270 views)
Re: Fees Being Charged - Judy Nisonger/CA
2/23/2005 2:16:03 PM (2162 views)
Re: Fees Being Charged - Marty Munson/MI
2/23/2005 10:10:35 PM (2175 views)
Re: Fees Being Charged - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/23/2005 11:36:06 PM (2208 views)
Re: Fees Being Charged - Jennifer Masters/MI
2/23/2005 11:33:11 PM (2144 views)

Hello Lisa,

I am sorry you feel so negative toward my post.  Maybe you didn't quite understand my take on it.  The reason most everyone's prices around here have gone down is because many of us saw a rapid decline in receiving any work because of the new abstractors, their marketing tactics, and companies requesting lower prices in order for us just to compete.  It seems there has been a "flood" of newbies in this area, all thinking they can do this work with little to no training. 

While I know some particular abstractors that belong to SOT too, they are the "poster children" for needing a good lesson in abstractor ethics!  They've done a grand job of client "stealing", notorious for looking right over your shoulder and writing information down, or just bad mouthing other abstractors to clients in out right lies!  They have even called many of our clients in front of us and told them they'd do the work for almost half the price!  Yes, it's not just me, but others that have been in this business for 25 years!  I wish more abstractors would post too Judy!

I've had to do what was needed to make ends meet like many of the other abstractors in this area.  Although I am not going to let these people get me down.  I've called clients old, new, and current and asked how service was, about prices, etc.  I have received much information and comments, both positive and negative about pricing effects in our area.  Much of it stems from yes, the newbies are getting orders to the clients fast and at cheaper prices of $25 to $40 for current owner searches.  So they do stay with them.  Even though I have more education, experience, and am much more polite with the same turn time, they stick with them.  Some of the larger corporations said it's the computer that picks the abstractor according to prices, turn time ranges, and larger coverage areas.  So the lowering of my prices in the first place just to compete had nothing to do with my quality of service, my years of training and education, but had everything to do with yes-they found someone to do it cheaper and in the same time frame.  Unless I did it for the same price or cheaper, I wasn't getting any work!  How do you compete with that???!!! 

I did try for the longest time to hold on to my prices, and stand my ground telling companies they get what they pay for, and some of them have come back.  In talking to some of these clients, some say they just go from abstractor to abstractor and back, there was no real system.  Some keep a log on your profile for how fast you returned an order, if there were any problems, and so on, and if you had any negatives---like even sending too many docs--they'd pass the work onto someone else.  Some companies are just hiring their own abstractors to work JUST for them as an employee. 

I do not own a title company for those that posted about that.  I don't want to pay others or have to worry about things like that. I don't want to even set up an abstractor network that places limits and restrictions and-- I can't say the rest of what I want to here--on abstractors that are doing the work for them, and getting a lot less $ for the work! 

I want to succeed enough for me and my family, sorry if you feel I am part of the problem, but this is why I think states should regulate or make abstractors get licensed or certified.  It wouldn't be something just anyone could jump right into without the proper training or education or state passed test and certification!

In this area, we are hit hard with not just these new abstractors, new abstracting companies, but other out of state abstracting companies that are utilizing the online title plants that cover this entire area.  A local title company- without it's own plant - has just recently stopped using abstractors all together, with the exception of some northern counties, and now subscribes to those online plants to complete their work.  A person I know who works there says they have had so many problems with missing information within the plant or old effective dates, but nothing is being done about it.  She wishes they'd go back to using their tried and true vendor abstractors.  But that is not going to happen.

As far as pricing goes, I know there are others out there that refuse to admit they've done the same thing, for the same reasons.  That's fine.  But my original post was to tell THESE people that we should stick to our guns and do what it takes to get our clients back, within ethics of course, from these new abstractors, newbie abstracting companies, and national vendor companies that all do it or want it done so cheaply.  I am worth much more than $40 for a last owner search.  And by the way, I did $35 searches for only ONE national title company out of Ohio, they just refuse to pay anymore for them (they are listed on the Hot List).  I have not worked for them for a year now, but I know the person that does, and she's banging her head on a wall as to what they ask for, for so little $.  Hopefully, I can get her to raise her prices too.  I know someone said that standardize prices can be illegal, but we all have to have some standards in this business.  Prices do vary from region to region within the United States, and even local companies want it cheaper here, and why not!  All they have to do is get it online.

I hope that better explains my side of the pricing effects.  If I hadn't of changed my prices at least for that time being, I would have been out of business.  But now we've had more interested companies, new interest in this area, and with continued service that exceeds our clients expectations, I can be a top contender again.  I've added services like becoming a signing agent to help supplement income and expenses.  No matter what, there is still a great deal of competition in this area that I have to contend with.  I am happy for you that things are better in your area.  I've enjoyed reading the posts and information supplied by everyone.  It is always nice to have others input and ideas on problems.  Thanks to all. Jen

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Re: Fees Being Charged - Robert Franco/OH
2/24/2005 12:01:14 AM (2217 views)
Re: Fees Being Charged - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/24/2005 12:06:05 AM (2186 views)

ATTN: Companies who work in West Virginia - Slade Smith/OH
2/18/2005 4:38:53 PM (1435 views)

Land America...VA Office - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/18/2005 4:27:42 PM (2118 views)
Re: Land America...VA Office - Beryl Westby/OR
2/18/2005 5:26:04 PM (2270 views)
Re: Land America...VA Office - Shannon Blatt/VA
2/18/2005 6:10:55 PM (2280 views)
Re: Land America...VA Office - Robert Breakell/CT
2/18/2005 6:30:50 PM (2228 views)
Re: Land America...VA Office - David Chisolm/MS
2/18/2005 10:47:27 PM (2198 views)
Re: Land America...VA Office - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/19/2005 11:07:01 AM (2204 views)
Re: Land America...VA Office - Donna McKamy/MT
2/21/2005 8:58:12 PM (2109 views)

NBC Segment on Dangers of Online Public Record - David Bloys/TX
2/18/2005 11:26:59 AM (1785 views)
Re: NBC Segment on Dangers of Online Public Record - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/18/2005 11:35:06 AM (2172 views)
Re: NBC Segment on Dangers of Online Public Record - David Bloys/TX
2/18/2005 11:41:51 AM (2128 views)
I saw the news on this - Loretta Reed/MD
2/19/2005 10:54:47 AM (2119 views)
Re: I saw the news on this - David Bloys/TX
2/19/2005 12:40:19 PM (2125 views)
Re: I saw the news on this - Loretta Reed/MD
2/19/2005 2:49:16 PM (2147 views)
Re: NBC Segment on Dangers of Online Public Record - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/19/2005 3:13:28 PM (2939 views)

Fax Machine - Glenda Hodge/TN
2/18/2005 9:31:28 AM (1884 views)
Re: Fax Machine - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
2/18/2005 9:47:30 AM (3092 views)
Re: Fax Machine - Shannon Blatt/VA
2/18/2005 9:53:27 AM (2189 views)
Re: Fax Machine - Loretta Reed/MD
2/18/2005 10:00:20 AM (2219 views)
Re: Fax Machine - Glenda Hodge/TN
2/18/2005 10:02:04 AM (2208 views)
Re: Fax Machine - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/18/2005 10:33:46 AM (2145 views)
Re: Fax Machine - Judy Nisonger/CA
2/18/2005 1:35:26 PM (2177 views)
Re: Fax Machine - Shannon Blatt/VA
2/18/2005 6:13:23 PM (2157 views)
Re: Fax Machine - Robert Breakell/CT
2/18/2005 6:28:57 PM (2201 views)
Re: Fax Machine - David Chisolm/MS
2/18/2005 10:50:38 PM (2087 views)
Re: Fax Machine - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/19/2005 10:58:35 AM (2075 views)
Re: Fax Machine - Amanda Fuller/TX
2/20/2005 5:25:26 PM (2051 views)
Re: Fax Machine - Glenda Hodge/TN
2/21/2005 12:37:07 AM (2045 views)
Re: Fax Machine - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/21/2005 8:50:27 AM (2048 views)
Re: Fax Machine - Russ Frye/GA
2/22/2005 4:35:45 PM (2022 views)

I feel liberated.....!!!!!!! - Loretta Reed/MD
2/18/2005 9:04:09 AM (1754 views)
Re: I feel liberated.....!!!!!!! - Glenda Hodge/TN
2/18/2005 9:26:17 AM (2050 views)
Re: I feel liberated.....!!!!!!! - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
2/18/2005 9:48:15 AM (1997 views)
Re: I feel liberated.....!!!!!!! - Robert Franco/OH
2/18/2005 3:48:12 PM (2020 views)
Re: I feel liberated.....!!!!!!! - Jacqueline Costa/RI
2/20/2005 9:27:41 AM (1992 views)

A little slow I gues - Judy Nisonger/CA
2/18/2005 1:39:42 AM (1802 views)
Re: A little slow I gues - Shannon Blatt/VA
2/18/2005 9:57:39 AM (2133 views)
Re: A little slow I gues - Robert Franco/OH
2/18/2005 10:03:57 AM (2041 views)
Re: A little slow I gues - Judy Nisonger/CA
2/18/2005 1:29:13 PM (2015 views)

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