Yes, not just that, but your Friday Fast Facts of a few weeks ago noted the ABA's endorsement of the Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act. This Act may make life easier for banks and recording offices, but I am not so sure it does any favors for the searchers and the actual homeowners, the person who should benefit the most. The Act appears to me to emphasize speed over accuracy. Under the Act, the only items that must be included in the electronic index is Parcel Number and name.
The searching system will apparently be centralized with the Secretary of State, and we will actually be required to pay just to search the records. Records will be readily available for big time data miners and identity thieves but legitimate searchers will have to pay to do what now is free. This, of course, increases search cost. Also, at least in PA, state imposed computer systems tend to be disasters. I believe the Act is flawed. I hope we don't see it anytime soon. A link to the Act is at
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