Loretta, We don't have electronic recording in Pa yet. But we have had computer indexing for many years, and documents are scanned when recorded so that images are available on the computer. When a document is recorded, there are spelling errors, but they are usually caught when the index is proofread. And if not caught, isn't it the responsibility of the recording party to ensure that his document is properly indexed? I don't see ow that can of error can be imputed to a searcher. Alos, in addition to searching by last name, each property has a parcel iD, so we can doublecheck by doin a Parcel ID search as well as a name search.
I am deeply troubled by many aspects of the new electronic recording statutes, especially those that now reqiuire people to pay for access to the system. It appears to be designed to exlude searcchers and e ncourage data mining. But I do think that is what we are facing. I think searchers need to make legislators aware of some of these concerns. Refusing to do an online search may hurt you professioanlly in the long run, but that's your call. Take care
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