More right you could not be. In my area all Abstractors work pretty well together. If my plate is full, I gladly refer to my Colleauge. And they do the same in turn. We have had the occASSional rouge though. The normal procedure for handling this is simple. Case in point. I had one Client that I could count the house payment on. 65-75 orders per Month. They were all O & E searches, and I was getting $65.00 each. In the blink of an eye, they vanished. If it were not for a very good local Law firm Client, I would have sunk. A fellow Abstractor, and longtime friend brought them up one day and asked what I did to "P" them off. He had noticed the new face in the record room, working on their orders. They were faxing them to her there, for she did not own a fax herself. I am not putting her down here I had to start minimal to, pre-paid cell phone the works. A Month or so later, I got a call from the Vendor Manager at the company. It appeared they were getting claim after claim filed against them over her work. He asked me if I would reconsider vending for them. I advised him I never quit. The end result, I got them back but at $75.00 per search, and the new face in the record room has faded away. Good things come to good people, and bad things will surely find the bad ones too.
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