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Home inspections.... - Loretta Reed/MD
2/27/2005 2:36:11 PM (1927 views)
Re: Home inspections.... - Mark Russomanno/NJ
2/27/2005 2:50:51 PM (2344 views)
Re: Home inspections.... - Loretta Reed/MD
2/27/2005 7:23:33 PM (2298 views)
Re: Home inspections.... - Loretta Reed/MD
2/27/2005 7:25:37 PM (4071 views)
Re: Home inspections.... - Mark Russomanno/NJ
2/27/2005 8:20:00 PM (2258 views)
Re: Home inspections.... - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
2/27/2005 3:07:54 PM (3174 views)
Re: Home inspections.... - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/27/2005 3:21:23 PM (2301 views)
Re: Home inspections.... - David Bloys/TX
2/27/2005 6:48:41 PM (2246 views)
Re: Home inspections.... - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
2/27/2005 7:35:27 PM (2247 views)
Re: Home inspections.... - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/27/2005 9:15:25 PM (2237 views)
Re: Home inspections.... - Loretta Reed/MD
2/28/2005 9:00:44 AM (2298 views)
Re: Home inspections....found the website - Loretta Reed/MD
2/28/2005 9:17:00 AM (3156 views)
Re: Home inspections....found the website - Judy Nisonger/CA
2/28/2005 2:31:42 PM (2317 views)
Re: Home inspections....found the website - Loretta Reed/MD
2/28/2005 6:54:04 PM (2338 views)

I was thinking...this may be cool - Mark Russomanno/NJ
2/27/2005 8:42:05 AM (1989 views)
Re: I was thinking...this may be cool - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/27/2005 10:38:29 AM (2258 views)
Re: I was thinking...this may be cool - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
2/27/2005 3:09:57 PM (3107 views)
Re: I was thinking...this may be cool - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/27/2005 3:17:50 PM (2197 views)

Need help in Texas - Shannon Blatt/VA
2/26/2005 1:50:10 PM (1954 views)
Re: Need help in Texas - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/26/2005 2:27:44 PM (2363 views)
Re: Need help in Texas - Shannon Blatt/VA
2/26/2005 5:08:17 PM (2297 views)
Re: Need help in Texas - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/26/2005 5:11:24 PM (2290 views)
Re: Need help in Texas - Shannon Blatt/VA
2/26/2005 5:35:28 PM (2265 views)
Re: Need help in Texas - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/26/2005 5:38:56 PM (2253 views)
Re: Need help in Texas - David Bloys/TX
2/26/2005 7:12:22 PM (2313 views)
Re: Need help in Texas - David Bloys/TX
2/26/2005 7:16:30 PM (2291 views)
Re: Need help in Texas - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/26/2005 7:25:05 PM (2251 views)
Re: Need help in Texas - Shannon Blatt/VA
2/27/2005 10:33:25 PM (2288 views)
Re: Need help in Texas - Cathy Iffergan/TX
2/28/2005 12:46:48 PM (2300 views)
Re: Need help in Texas - Michelle Elko/TX
10/28/2009 12:43:01 AM (2035 views)
Re: Need help in Texas - Doug Hollowell/TX
3/4/2005 8:24:07 PM (2311 views)
Re: Need help in Texas - Shannon Blatt/VA
3/5/2005 12:38:21 AM (2213 views)

Bank of America....Shame on you - Loretta Reed/MD
2/26/2005 10:22:34 AM (2067 views)
Re: Bank of America....Shame on you - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/26/2005 10:24:37 AM (2275 views)
Re: Bank of America....Shame on you - Jonathan Figliuolo/NY
2/28/2005 5:01:18 PM (2197 views)

More On Lower Prices And Undercutting - Mark Russomanno/NJ
2/26/2005 8:37:47 AM (2311 views)
Re: More On Lower Prices And Undercutting - David Bloys/TX
2/26/2005 1:00:44 PM (2417 views)
Re: More On Lower Prices And Undercutting - Ellen Malloy/MO
2/26/2005 1:48:52 PM (2328 views)
Thank You Both....this is LONG........ - Mark Russomanno/NJ
2/26/2005 9:17:22 PM (2224 views)
Re: Thank You Both....this is LONG........ - Amy Holder/NJ
2/27/2005 12:12:49 AM (2234 views)
Re: Thank You Both....this is LONG........ - Mark Russomanno/NJ
2/27/2005 10:04:57 AM (2253 views)
Re: Thank You Both....this is LONG........ - Donna Grady/NC
2/27/2005 1:30:34 PM (2259 views)
MORE abstractors should be expressing themselves here in this forum - Mark Russomanno/NJ
2/27/2005 2:37:30 PM (2295 views)
Re: MORE abstractors should be expressing themselves here in this forum - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
2/27/2005 5:20:58 PM (2270 views)
Re: MORE abstractors should be expressing themselves here in this forum - Mark Russomanno/NJ
2/27/2005 6:20:00 PM (2247 views)
Re: MORE abstractors should be expressing themselves here in this forum - Donna Grady/NC
2/27/2005 7:58:51 PM (2388 views)

Again, I have to agree with Mark.  Each state IS different. The abstractor in NC has one hand tied behind it's back trying to balance working for the MAN/ATTORNEY  or working for the title companies which is discouraged by the NC State Bar.  In the late 90's the NC State Bar made it their business to disbar attorneys that used independent title abstractors who had employees.  They were also investigating independents that worked for title companies.

To date the NC State Bar has made another proposal to make it unethical for attorneys to use independent abstractors that employ abstractors, JUST at the time that I was planning to expand and hire abstractors.  As a one person business, I can not compete for $45.00 a search unless I expand to several counties which I can not do alone.  The proposal also goes as far as telling the attorneys that they can not be connected to title vendor companies which is the way title vendors in NC have to operate because title searches have to be "rubber stamped" by an attorney or else it can be constituted as unauthorized practice of law.  There are three law firms that I know of that vendor companies send their NC & SC title searches to for review.  I applaud this set up because I have seen first hand how well it works.  To be honest, as an abstractor, I like to know that there is someone who legally understands any question that I have on a search that I can go to for an answer.  There are some issues in the field that I can decide based on my own experience and expertise but not every search is alike.  All of that is slipping away by title work being ordered by who knows who or where.  There are some people that I talk to when I return a search that do not have a clue how involved the search was as to why it took me so long to return the product.  When I ask them a question I get the same answer, Just make a note of it on your report sheet.  Some days it does not pay to be the only title searcher for my company.  If a search looks like it will take longer than two hours to complete I have to table it and move on so that I can make a profit that day.  Then I run the risk of not returning the search on time and never getting a search from that title company again.  But then if I spend too much time on one search then I can't get to some other title company's search that day and run the risk of never getting a search from them.  There is just so much that one person can do in one day.

So I agree with Mark that some of us do not have it as well as others because of the change in the title industry.  One big change being 24 hour turnaround.  My answer was to increase my personnel to increase my business until the NC State Bar's proposal popped up.  By the way, as always with the NC State Bar, they are dragging this out.  It was supposed to voted on in January.  Still no word on what was decided.  So we are in limbo. 

I wish I was not the only NC abstractor that keeps talking about this on this message board but some of the NC abstractors do not have a clue about this.  Most NC independents work for attorneys and do not carry E & O insurance because of the "old 1990's way of doing business". 

An attorney that I contract with also contracts with other independents who do not carry E & O insurance.  He just had a claim from one of those other independents so his
E & O will pay it out.  Problem is:  He pays that independent the same amount of money he pays me for a search.  And he told me that he wish it had been me cause then he would have been "off the hook".  It's NOT fair to me to have the overhead and not be paid more.  But if I want his business which substains me totally, then I just have to suck it up. 

So now you see why I feel like I am being jerked around and toyed with.  Realtors seem to be the best field in this title industry.  They make 3 to 6 % commission on the sale price, they don't have to be insured against mistakes, they have the luxury cars to drive their clients around in, and they don't have a clue about how to fill out a deceit sales contract to help the abstractor determine which property to search. 

So how many of you on this message board who are a ONE person abstracting company are really satisfied and able to make a better living at this than you did four years ago?  It seems that four years ago was when title searches had to be done in 24 or less hours.
  I would love to see you comment on this thread.

Folks, abstracting is a dying art.  Those of us who have been searching over 15 years have seen the changes and do not like what we see.  My paralegal friend was talking to her financial advisor who told her that her profession, title searcher, was becoming obsolete.  A local attorney here retired early because he was being called upon to fix the messes that the title companies have made in this area.  There is something wrong that needs to be fixed.  How do you fix it? and Who fixes it?

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Re: MORE abstractors should be expressing themselves here in this forum - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
2/27/2005 8:04:02 PM (2212 views)
Re: MORE abstractors should be expressing themselves here in this forum - Ellen Malloy/MO
2/27/2005 8:14:53 PM (2177 views)
Re: MORE abstractors should be expressing themselves here in this forum - Mark Russomanno/NJ
2/27/2005 8:15:56 PM (2170 views)
Re: MORE abstractors should be expressing themselves here in this forum - Amy Holder/NJ
2/27/2005 10:46:56 PM (2211 views)
Re: MORE abstractors should be expressing themselves here in this forum - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
2/28/2005 10:10:27 AM (2237 views)
Re: MORE abstractors should be expressing themselves here in this forum - Amy Holder/NJ
2/28/2005 10:36:23 AM (2254 views)

Real Title Services

We can all help stop the fraud - David Bloys/TX
2/25/2005 9:26:15 PM (1904 views)
Re: We can all help stop the fraud - Jonathan Figliuolo/NY
2/26/2005 12:25:02 PM (2217 views)
Re: We can all help stop the fraud - Jonathan Figliuolo/NY
2/26/2005 12:35:42 PM (2225 views)
Re: We can all help stop the fraud - David Bloys/TX
2/26/2005 1:08:49 PM (2190 views)
Re: We can all help stop the fraud - PatriciaPalmer/PA
2/26/2005 2:55:48 PM (2198 views)
Re: We can all help stop the fraud - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/26/2005 6:05:50 PM (2159 views)
Re: We can all help stop the fraud - David Bloys/TX
2/26/2005 7:31:53 PM (2182 views)
Re: We can all help stop the fraud - Jonathan Figliuolo/NY
2/27/2005 6:04:32 PM (2116 views)

need some opinions... - Amanda Fuller/TX
2/25/2005 11:37:47 AM (2051 views)
Re: need some opinions... - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/25/2005 11:52:31 AM (2280 views)
Re: need some opinions... - Jay Duncan/MO
2/25/2005 11:55:50 AM (2180 views)
Re: need some opinions... - Judy Nisonger/CA
2/26/2005 11:28:44 PM (2127 views)
Re: need some opinions... - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/27/2005 10:44:04 AM (2133 views)
Re: need some opinions... - Lynn Hammett/SC
2/25/2005 4:50:12 PM (2240 views)
Re: need some opinions... - Jarrod Clabaugh/OH
2/25/2005 5:18:03 PM (2183 views)
Re: need some opinions... - Judy Nisonger/CA
2/28/2005 4:39:40 PM (2164 views)
Re: need some opinions... - Jarrod Clabaugh/OH
2/28/2005 4:56:29 PM (2146 views)
Re: need some opinions... - Lisa Ramsey/TX
3/1/2005 10:28:14 AM (2137 views)
Re: need some opinions... - Judy Nisonger/CA
3/1/2005 1:33:37 PM (2163 views)
Re: need some opinions... - Jarrod Clabaugh/OH
3/1/2005 3:13:09 PM (2122 views)
Re: need some opinions... - Lisa Ramsey/TX
3/1/2005 5:38:43 PM (2084 views)
Re: need some opinions... - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/26/2005 2:54:09 PM (2148 views)
Re: need some opinions... - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/27/2005 11:24:54 AM (2037 views)
Re: need some opinions... - Ms. A/MO
3/1/2005 12:15:16 PM (2042 views)
Re: need some opinions... - Judy Nisonger/CA
3/1/2005 1:36:34 PM (2068 views)

ChoicePoint and now WestLaw - Slade Smith/OH
2/25/2005 5:22:20 AM (2688 views)
Re: ChoicePoint and now WestLaw - Robert Breakell/CT
2/25/2005 7:57:34 AM (2045 views)
Re: ChoicePoint and now WestLaw - Slade Smith/OH
2/25/2005 9:14:58 AM (2026 views)
Re: ChoicePoint and now WestLaw - David Bloys/TX
2/25/2005 8:26:05 AM (2002 views)

Deed Reports-Do you have a favorite - Susie/OH
2/24/2005 7:14:12 PM (1944 views)
Re: Deed Reports-Do you have a favorite - Mark Russomanno/NJ
2/25/2005 10:32:17 AM (2086 views)
Re: Deed Reports-Do you have a favorite - Judy Nisonger/CA
2/28/2005 4:15:06 PM (2092 views)
Re: Deed Reports-Do you have a favorite - Samson Ugorji/MD
2/28/2005 11:53:36 PM (2033 views)

How To Make 100% , Positively Certain Your Business Fails In The Next 2 Years.......... - Mark Russomanno/NJ
2/24/2005 1:16:03 PM (2075 views)
Re: How To Make 100% , Positively Certain Your Business Fails In The Next 2 Years.......... - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/24/2005 1:33:15 PM (2183 views)
Re: How To Make 100% , Positively Certain Your Business Fails In The Next 2 Years.......... - Jay Duncan
2/24/2005 6:25:42 PM (2236 views)
Re: How To Make 100% , Positively Certain Your Business Fails In The Next 2 Years.......... - Robert Breakell/CT
2/24/2005 7:40:56 PM (2142 views)
Re: How To Make 100% , Positively Certain Your Business Fails In The Next 2 Years.......... - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/25/2005 6:20:10 AM (2131 views)
Re: How To Make 100% , Positively Certain Your Business Fails In The Next 2 Years.......... - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
2/24/2005 10:01:52 PM (2050 views)
Re: How To Make 100% , Positively Certain Your Business Fails In The Next 2 Years.......... - Mark Russomanno/NJ
2/24/2005 10:57:34 PM (2142 views)
Re: How To Make 100% , Positively Certain Your Business Fails In The Next 2 Years.......... - Douglas Gallant/OH
2/25/2005 3:42:47 PM (2050 views)
Re: How To Make 100% , Positively Certain Your Business Fails In The Next 2 Years.......... - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
2/25/2005 8:09:54 PM (2097 views)
Re: How To Make 100% , Positively Certain Your Business Fails In The Next 2 Years.......... - Douglas Gallant/OH
2/28/2005 6:03:13 PM (2099 views)
Re: How To Make 100% , Positively Certain Your Business Fails In The Next 2 Years.......... - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
2/28/2005 7:23:47 PM (2032 views)
Re: How To Make 100% , Positively Certain Your Business Fails In The Next 2 Years.......... - Douglas Gallant/OH
2/28/2005 8:35:47 PM (2055 views)
Re: How To Make 100% , Positively Certain Your Business Fails In The Next 2 Years.......... - Robert Franco/OH
2/28/2005 9:11:44 PM (2008 views)
Re: How To Make 100% , Positively Certain Your Business Fails In The Next 2 Years.......... - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
2/28/2005 9:22:34 PM (2011 views)
Re: How To Make 100% , Positively Certain Your Business Fails In The Next 2 Years.......... - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
2/28/2005 9:12:57 PM (1980 views)

I Just Had the Grandest Idea - Maybe? - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/24/2005 11:26:53 AM (1961 views)
Re: I Just Had the Grandest Idea - Maybe? - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/24/2005 8:33:25 PM (2205 views)
Re: I Just Had the Grandest Idea - Maybe? - Robert Franco/OH
2/24/2005 10:30:50 PM (2097 views)
Re: I Just Had the Grandest Idea - Maybe? - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/24/2005 11:53:23 PM (1969 views)
Re: I Just Had the Grandest Idea - Maybe? - Shannon Blatt/VA
2/25/2005 12:19:59 AM (2017 views)
Re: I Just Had the Grandest Idea - Maybe? - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/25/2005 6:12:14 AM (2028 views)
Re: I Just Had the Grandest Idea - Maybe? - Mark Russomanno/NJ
2/25/2005 7:55:35 AM (2032 views)
Re: I Just Had the Grandest Idea - Maybe? - Mark Russomanno/NJ
2/25/2005 8:03:23 AM (1968 views)

My pet peeve about "abstracting" companies - Loretta Reed/MD
2/23/2005 10:40:59 PM (2093 views)
Re: My pet peeve about "abstracting" companies - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/23/2005 11:24:37 PM (2186 views)
Re: My pet peeve about "abstracting" companies - Ellen Malloy/MO
2/24/2005 12:12:22 AM (2226 views)
Re: My pet peeve about "abstracting" companies - Loretta Reed/MD
2/24/2005 7:51:43 AM (2179 views)
Re: My pet peeve about "abstracting" companies - Robert Franco/OH
2/24/2005 9:46:59 AM (2158 views)
Re: My pet peeve about "abstracting" companies - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
2/24/2005 9:56:34 AM (2142 views)
Re: My pet peeve about "abstracting" companies - Jonathan Figliuolo/NY
2/25/2005 1:20:14 PM (2109 views)
Re: My pet peeve about "abstracting" companies - Jay Duncan
2/25/2005 1:23:59 PM (2138 views)
Re: My pet peeve about "abstracting" companies - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/25/2005 4:01:55 PM (2145 views)
Re: My pet peeve about "abstracting" companies - Jonathan Figliuolo/NY
2/25/2005 5:15:07 PM (2160 views)
Re: My pet peeve about "abstracting" companies - Jonathan Figliuolo/NY
2/25/2005 5:24:49 PM (2125 views)
Re: My pet peeve about "abstracting" companies - Robert Franco/OH
2/25/2005 6:02:40 PM (2162 views)
Re: My pet peeve about "abstracting" companies - Helene/GA
2/26/2005 12:10:59 AM (2090 views)
Re: My pet peeve about "abstracting" companies - Loretta Reed/MD
2/25/2005 6:20:41 PM (2126 views)
Re: My pet peeve about "abstracting" companies - Barbara Bennett/IN
2/25/2005 6:52:40 PM (2024 views)
Re: My pet peeve about "abstracting" companies - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/25/2005 9:44:56 PM (2022 views)
Re: My pet peeve about "abstracting" companies - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/26/2005 8:57:45 AM (2394 views)
Re: My pet peeve about "abstracting" companies - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/26/2005 10:21:54 AM (2072 views)
Re: My pet peeve about "abstracting" companies - Jonathan Figliuolo/NY
2/26/2005 11:59:39 AM (2118 views)
Re: My pet peeve about "abstracting" companies - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/26/2005 1:10:31 PM (2063 views)
Re: My pet peeve about "abstracting" companies - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/26/2005 1:19:42 PM (2024 views)
Re: My pet peeve about "abstracting" companies - Jonathan Figliuolo/NY
2/27/2005 5:58:14 PM (2002 views)

Arkansas Abstractors - Marty Munson/MI
2/23/2005 9:59:55 PM (2022 views)
Re: Arkansas Abstractors - Spencer Kinsey/AR
2/24/2005 8:59:28 PM (2033 views)

Out of pocket and need some help... - Spencer Kinsey/AR
2/23/2005 11:52:06 AM (1864 views)
Nevermind!! - Spencer Kinsey/AR
2/23/2005 12:05:00 PM (2038 views)

Ohio County Addresses Bulk Release of Public Records - Robert Franco/OH
2/23/2005 10:42:08 AM (2015 views)
Re: Ohio County Addresses Bulk Release of Public Records - Ellen Malloy/MO
2/23/2005 7:07:26 PM (2143 views)

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