Thanks Michaela,
Just for the record, I am not 100% digital either. My staff doesn't usually send me faxes unless they are at a remote location but most abstractors are still on fax. In fact, I have one client who has alot of work and you would think would benefit from email but refuses to go that route. So, I have to fax all of the work to them even when abstractors email it to me. My system can fax directly from my computer (no, I am not doing it through an internet based service), It faxes from my computer through my all-in-one. I don't think we'll be able to actually "throw away the old fax" for a while yet. But having access to a scanning system, simplifies transfer and storage of data. By the way, there is a learning curve too. Don't get frustrated if it takes you a little longer in the beginning. After using a new system for a couple weeks, you will have all the bugs worked out and be able to fly through it.
You now how it takes much longer to do orders on my forms than yours (because you know your form, maybe even created it from scratcch), yet if you keep doing it on my forms it becomes easier and easier because you are used to it and have learned it. That is the same with a new scanning system. You have to give it a couple weeks of usage before you will be proficient and really begin to see the enhancement.
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