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Working on opening title company - Miranda Geist/PA
7/16/2019 10:48:51 AM (2139 views)

[+] Title Solutions - Closed - Jay Duncan/MO (4 replies)
7/13/2019 10:23:33 AM (2876 views)

[+] AAPL Standards - Larry Platt/PA (1 reply)
7/12/2019 11:30:57 AM (1945 views)

[+] ALTA Security Breach - Jay Duncan/MO (1 reply)
7/8/2019 9:33:41 AM (2863 views)

[+] Zillow doing title searches - F P/VA (4 replies)
7/4/2019 12:12:09 AM (3653 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Lumar Docs - Amber Townsend/MD (6 replies)
6/27/2019 12:22:27 PM (2630 views)

[+] PNA Title Services - Judy Nisonger/CA (4 replies)
6/25/2019 3:23:40 PM (2668 views)

[-] Fees - Judy Nisonger/CA (6 replies)
6/25/2019 3:05:50 PM (2477 views)

Hi All!  We are in California and have been charging the same fees for years now. Would you mind telling me what the going rate is for Current Owner and Full searches both for residential and for commercial properties?


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Re: Fees - Alix Ott/MI
7/1/2019 8:28:55 AM (1924 views)
Re: Fees - Judy Nisonger/CA
7/1/2019 10:34:39 AM (1847 views)
Re: Fees - stephen willard/OH
7/1/2019 9:08:44 AM (1882 views)
Re: Fees - Judy Nisonger/CA
7/1/2019 10:41:53 AM (1920 views)
Re: Fees - Alix Ott/MI
7/1/2019 12:34:09 PM (1896 views)
Re: Fees - Judy Nisonger/CA
7/1/2019 1:27:22 PM (1802 views)

Empire Research, LLC - Rita Killary/NY
6/24/2019 1:02:32 PM (1912 views)

[+] Vistro Info - Smitty Strickland/SC (8 replies)
6/23/2019 6:21:23 PM (2332 views)

[+] Indus Abstract Services, Inc. - Smitty Strickland/SC (5 replies)
6/23/2019 1:47:26 PM (2644 views)

[+] Servicelink - Sherry Greene/MI (11 replies)
6/19/2019 5:05:13 PM (3743 views)

[+] I'm done with "gap searches" - Alix Ott/MI (9 replies)
6/19/2019 4:05:08 PM (2915 views)

[+] E&O Insurance - Tammy Killian/WA (3 replies)
6/19/2019 1:56:17 PM (2170 views)

Committe of the Judicary - Randi Erickson/MN
6/19/2019 11:13:26 AM (2403 views)

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