Wow, I wish we had that geographic index. We are just grantee/grantor.
As for the marginal releases, most counties around here used to do it. None do it anymore. When they did, it was a stamp on the side of the page with a release date and a signature or a book and page for the satisfaction. There are VERY few places that will still release marginally anymore. And if they do it is usually just for judgments. SO I am always checking the grantee books for unreleased stuff.
Another pet peeve of mine
is how different each county can be about how to index churches. One of mine lists it as : ch-the name of church, one does: church-name of church, and some just flat out list the name and few will index under the trustees of the church. Same with Sec of Hud, some will have 'sec of Hud', some have 'secretary of hud', some list 'united states secretary of hud' and some actually spell out secretary of housing and urban development. One even lists the secretary's name.
I wish it would be the same everywhere I go.
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