Well said Shannon!!!
Those who have enhanced listings rotate to the top with just other enhanced listings.
Occasionally I go on this site to help some of our customers with a search that is not in our usual coverage. I NEVER pick the first searcher in line. I look at several before I make a decision.
What we all need to remember is "Who has been footing the bill for this site all this time!!!!!" How many of us can honestly say that we have not gained some type of benefit from this site one way or another? Have you tried other sites?
Most of you have never met Robert. If you had, you would know that he is not an opportunistic, all I can get type of person. The money that he will receive from any of us, will barely pay his costs.
I think that Robert, Jarrod & Slade have done some wonderful things for this site, abstractors & for the industry in general. I say THANK YOU for the opportunity to put my business out in front of so many people. If you consider how many potential clients you are reaching with this site, the enhanced listing is CHEAP.
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