ALERT - Some have been used in rural counties to do this and one man told me he has them do it and they don't charge copies on his orders - isn't this stealing from the county. Wish I knew the clerk. And don't they offer lien searching etc by the county using the unskilled clerks to do the work - and they charge as much as or more than I do - lol - like they really know what they are doing - they make copies and all the sudden they know abstracting. Another thought, I went to one county online searching site and they charge more than I do for criminal searches - at do it yourself on their site. I have been told by some clerks that the county told them they cannot do searches and work for the county. I believe this is probably true everywhere they just don't know it is going on - and I would think the employee and the company would have repercussions to this especially if they were not in the end paying for copies.
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