surveys done in areas of high development and long term use accompanied with decades of prior survey could be done at a reduced cost. Working in the areas, that I do, where I am usually the first surveyor in the area since the government survey of the 1800's translates into a lot of work you would not do in a urban area. The work you do in a semi-original state will be used for generations and it is very hard to get the point accross to your client when they are being told that the work can be done for next to nothing. I view title abstracts in the same light as the work I do. The quality of the abstract is going to have an impact that lives longer than there individual who prepared the document. I wonder how may doctors and lawyers would work for a fee dictated by non professionals. I suppose some doctors do as the result of insurance companies. I have a personal and professional code of eithic that I follow and I would rather be out of business than compromise either for the sake of money. If things keep up the way they are I may get my wish.
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