Hello Robert,
Thanks for the reply. I can understand the concern about someone editing a post after the fact that might change the original meaning of said post thus creating confusion and perhaps misunderstandings. I am the administrator of my own board and we have a function that allows one to edit there own posts, but each edit is annotated thereby giving the membership notice that the post has been edited. For the most part I find that the edits are merely being made by folks who only want to clean up their language. I think that giving people a chance to clean up a spelling mistake or a grammatical error would be a nice thing to do, simply because we seem to have some people here who go out of their way to jump on anyone who makes a spelling error in a post, thereby creating an intimidation factor that prevents some good people from posting because they just don't want to be treated like school children by a few self appointed board proctors.
Take care and thanks again for all the hard work y'all do on our behalf.
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