At this time there is no way to edit a post. I will talk to Slade to see if we could add that feature in the future, at least for posts with no replies. We really don't want someone to edit a post after it has replies, as it could change the context of the message and that wouldn't be fair for the person who had already responded.
As for the grammar, I wouldn't be too concerned. We have all hit the submit button a little too early at one time or another. I think people generally take the medium into account and expect some of that on a message forum.
Thank you all for the ego boost! I have had a long couple of weeks and it helps to hear from those of you who appreciate the work that Jarrod, Slade, and I have put into Source of Title. We appreciate it and we will continue to work to improve our services and do whatever we can to help all of you.
Robert A. Franco
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