I don't like to give negative ratings and I wouldn't do it to just anyone. I try to give everyone a reasonable time to pay (30 days) and I try to deal with people directly. But like a previous post said, you can only take so much. When I feel like I'm getting screwed by someone, I put a stop to all work and begin to collect. If someone is honest and tells me they are having problems or pay in a certain time frame, that is one thing. But when a company won't return my calls and doesn't pay me, then I feel like they deserve to know I am very unhappy. I don't like to get crappy with people, but some of these companies are NOT a dream to work with. My worst experience with a no pay was with someone who I thought was a friend. I ended up filing a claim in court and she finally paid. I am sure that she doesn't have good things to say about me, but I had to do it. I work too hard to let someone else walk off with my money.
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