I agree. In California the records are not allowed online. They are still available at the courthouse. A few years back when this law was passed the County Clerks thought it too cumbersome and decided the best solution was not to publish anyone's records online. Certain technology companies supreceeded their intent by demanding copies of the images and published the records online for a fee.
In Texas the police officers and other people in high risk jobs are allowed to have their records declared confidential at the Central Appraisal District. When you search on one of these individuals you will find nothing under his name or even his address. It is as if neither exists. This law was only made neccessary when the Central Appraisal Districts began going online.
I have worked three such cases so far. It was cumbersome as I had to have my client contact the lending institution who then contacted their client and asked them to temporarily have the CAD release this information to me. In one case the police officer did not want to do this and told the lender he would contact me himself and give me the tax information. LOL . In another case the police officer said he would meet me at the courthouse to tell them to release the information to me. He didn't seem to understand the courthouse information was already available to me. He had only concealed the information available from the CAD. When I did the search I found his Social Security number and date of birth on one of the documents. Fortunately this particular county had not made this information available over the Internet and I am probably only the second or third person to ever see the courthouse copy. If Lubbock County ever goes online his sensitive information will be available to millions all over the world.
In all three cases I was able to complete the searches only after the borrowers made a trip to the CAD to release the information. It was a little inconvenient but I didn't mind. My convenience is less important to me than the safety of the officer. I'm sure the officer found it just as inconvenient but evidently felt his security was worth it.
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