You said "However, to me, you sound as if you are uable to understand the benefits of todays technology or afraid of change."
Today's technology is well understood and used by the abstractors here. Many are also well aware of the dangers it creates for our industry and the communities we serve.
You said, "Whether you like it or not this technology is not going away."
Whether you like it or not the reckless use of this technology is going away. More and more counties, states and the federal government are realizing the damage online access is causing the citizens. In just about every state the legislation is writing laws to prohibit this the reckless endangerment of the citizens. Whether you like it or not there are other technologies available today outside the Internet. These newer technologies allow all the advantages to the community without endangering the community or the citzen's ability to access their own records.
A GAO study indicated that 90% of the American population is against publishing sensitive information over the Internet. It will be stopped. It is being stopped. Whether you like it or not.
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