Yes that is correct and not only that - some of the records may be the same as in the office of the county clerks but they do not have the same search capabilities as in the office itself which is the only way to search for particular items - like assignments, releases, etc in the State of Texas. It is also assumed by some doing online searches that if they see an assignment under a person's name all assignments are located not only bank to bank but under the person's name. Only in rare cases are the actually under the person's name. Some counties only started posting assignments both under the mortgagor and the banks but not for all years back. And then you have many many assignments that don't have their names on it so the only way you find it is by legal - a searching capability here only available at the clerk's office. I didn't really mean to cause such a ruckuss with all of this but it seems I have - we all have so many opinions - I'm not one much for arguing it right now - I believe that very near to be future laws will actually take care of everything for itself. I truly believe that records will be so withdrawn or hampered or altered by law that one will not be able to use the online services at all. If you cannot verify socials online - you dont have a search - if you cannot verify signatures online - you don't have a search - it is that simple. The other thing some are assuming is that every county all the county records are in the online computers and the county computers. Many of my Texas counties have assumed names and financing statements in a totally different machine than the property records and those are never online - and some only have financing statements still hand-written in books - like Denton County, Texas even though most records are online. If you miss that part of a search - again you don't have a search. If companies are saying hey these records are online and we can do this in PA and not use abstractors - this is where a lot of the mistakes are coming from - assumptions not facts that all the records there are needed and are indexed online to be able to find them - and that is so far from the truth.
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