Donna, this was an excellent analysis of the situation. I hope you will run in 2008. I think you would make an excellent Recorder. It sounds like the current one has little regard for her constituents, the community or it's heritage.
When you are elected you could solve some of the overcrowding without having the records on the Internet. You could use a short range wireless internet that would allow the professionals to access the records by intranet through laptops. It is an inexpensive and secure answer.
In the meantime you could expose the dangers to the citizens the Recorder is creating by publishing the records worldwide. You could lobby the state for legislation to stop the bulk transfer of your community records and block the export to foreign companies. Putting the records online is such a reckless idea that any politician who tries to defend it is usually brought down once they are exposed. I can just see the Recorder trying to explain how she exposed the private information of every citizen for the convenience and profit of a few.
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