No, Jonathan I did not say that. I see that ACRIS has the copywrite to the City of New York. Other information I read on the site indicates that New York City owns ACRIS so they would own the copywrite and are taking reponsibilty for the contents. This is not the case in most jurisdictions.
Evidently it is not the case for other records you need to access or you would not have made the reference to searching the "appropriate" sources when ACRS did not have the information.
It seems to me you are doing the best you can given the limited resources you have available. Certain pending Federal legislation may someday force the City of New York to remove many of the documents they now have online and they may be forced to make the documents available to you once again only at the repository where they were filed. Until then, you will be rubbing shoulders on the Internet with examiners from NYC, Bombay, Bangkok and Monrovia. You would also be in the company of the data-miners from China and Rumania, terrorists from all over the world, and the Nigerian identity theft cartels.
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