And I 100% concur, however, the experienced examiner/abstractor knows what can be, and what can not be done over the Internet in terms of an abstract.
What I can not do from my office, is sent to examiners in the field. I ALSO know how to abstract a title from doing field work as well. Am I someone that should be viewed as less of a diligent worker? If the systems are in place - which they are in NYC - then why would I still go into the field and waste time on travel when I know that the system available allows for most of the work to be done in the office.
I just think that people need to be careful in the language they choose when refering to the different means that people are able to complete their work. I have complete confidence in the work that I produce. Those who work in the field have complete confidence in their work.
I don't knock those that still work in the field, when they don't have to necessarily, and I do not think that it is right to be knocked by the same. As long as the examiner is properly trained on how to abstract a title, then it should not matter how the information is attained - because, again, a trained examiner knows the limits of the online souces, and when something needs to be handled in the field...
...just as your physician knows to send you to a specialist when the problem is beyond his/her capability...
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